58.22 DOWNLOAD_PRINT_DOCUMENT Procedure Signature 2

This procedure initiates the download of a print document using a pre-defined report query and an RTF or XSL-FO based report layout.


    p_file_name           IN VARCHAR,
    p_content_disposition IN VARCHAR  DEFAULT 'attachment',
    p_application_id      IN NUMBER,
    p_report_query_name   IN VARCHAR2,
    p_report_layout       IN CLOB,
    p_report_layout_type  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'xsl-fo',
    p_document_format     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'pdf',
    p_print_server        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Parameter Description
p_file_name Defines the filename of the print document.
p_content_disposition Specifies whether to download the print document or display inline ("attachment", "inline").
p_application_id Defines the application ID of the report query.
p_report_query_name Name of the report query (stored under application's Shared Components).
p_report_layout Report layout in XSL-FO or RTF format.
p_report_layout_type Defines the report layout type, that is "xsl-fo" or "rtf".
p_document_format Defines the document format, that is "pdf", "rtf", "xls", "htm", or "xml".
p_print_server URL of the print server. If not specified, the print server is derived from preferences.


The following example shows how to use the DOWNLOAD_PRINT_DOCUMENT using Signature 2 (Pre-defined report query and RTF or XSL-FO based report layout.). In this example, the data for the report is taken from a Report Query called 'ReportQueryAndXSL' stored in the current application's Shared Components > Report Queries. The report layout is taken from a value stored in a page item (P1_XSL).

        p_file_name           => 'mydocument',
        p_content_disposition => 'attachment',
        p_application_id      => :APP_ID,
        p_report_query_name   => 'ReportQueryAndXSL',
        p_report_layout       => :P1_XSL,
        p_report_layout_type  => 'xsl-fo',
        p_document_format     => 'pdf');

See Also:

Printing Report Regions in Oracle APEX App Builder User’s Guide