56.4 ENABLE_USER_STYLE Procedure

This procedure enables theme style selection by end users. When enabled and there is at least one theme style marked as Public, end users will see a Customize link which allows to choose the theme style. End user theme style selection is enabled or disabled at the User Interface level. When providing a theme number, the theme must be the Current Theme for a user interface. Note that this only affects the Customization link for end users. APEX_THEME API calls are independent.


    p_application_id  IN NUMBER           DEFAULT {current application id},
    p_theme_number    IN NUMBER           DEFAULT {current theme number} 


Parameter Description
p_application_id The application ID.
p_theme_number Number of User Interface's Current Theme.

The following example enable end user theme style selection for the Desktop user interface of application 100.

  l_theme_id apex_themes.theme_number%type;
 select theme_number into l_theme_id
 from apex_appl_user_interfaces
 where application_id = 100
 and display_name   = 'Desktop';

  p_application_id => 100,
  p_theme_number   => l_theme_id