10.4 GET_CALLBACK_URL Function

This function is a plug-in helper function to return a URL that is used as a landing request for external login pages. When the browser sends the request, it triggers the authentication plug-in Ajax callback, which can be used to log the user in.


    p_x01           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
    p_x02           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
    p_x03           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
    p_x04           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
    p_x05           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
    p_x06           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
    p_x07           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
    p_x08           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
    p_x09           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
    p_x10           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_callback_name IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL ) 


Parameters Description
p_x01 through p_x10 Optional parameters that the external login passes to the authentication plugin.
p_callback_name Optional public name of the callback, defaults to apex_authentication.callback.

See Also:

CALLBACK Procedure