45.15 GET_DATA Function Signature 1

Executes the specified SQL query restricted by the provided search string (optional) and returns the values for each column. All column values are returned as a string, independent of their data types. The search column is identified by providing a column number in the p_search_column_no parameter. This function takes into account character value comparison globalization attributes defined for the application.


    p_sql_statement    IN VARCHAR2,
    p_min_columns      IN NUMBER,
    p_max_columns      IN NUMBER,
    p_component_name   IN VARCHAR2,
    p_search_type      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 2,
    p_search_column_no IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 2,
    p_search_string    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_first_row        IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
    p_max_rows         IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL)
RETURN t_column_value_list;


Parameters Description
p_sql_statement SQL statement used for the lookup.
p_min_columns Minimum number of return columns.
p_max_columns Maximum number of return columns.
p_component_name In case an error is returned, this is the name of the page item or report column used to display the error message.
p_search_type Must be one of the c_search_* constants. They are as follows: c_search_contains_case, c_search_contains_ignore, c_search_exact_case, c_search_exact_ignore
p_search_column_no Number of the column used to restrict the SQL statement. Must be within the p_min_columns though p_max_columns range.
p_search_string Value used to restrict the query.
p_first_row Start query at the specified row. All rows before the specified row are skipped.
p_max_rows Maximum number of return rows allowed.


Return Description
t_column_value_list Table of apex_application_global.vc_arr2 indexed by column number.


The following example shows a simple item type plug-in rendering function which executes the LOV defined for the page item and does a case sensitive LIKE filtering with the current value of the page item. The result is then generated as a HTML list.

function render_list (
    p_item                in apex_plugin.t_page_item,
    p_value               in varchar2,
    p_is_readonly         in boolean,
    p_is_printer_friendly in boolean )
    return apex_plugin.t_page_item_render_result
    l_column_value_list   apex_plugin_util.t_column_value_list;
    l_column_value_list :=
        apex_plugin_util.get_data (
            p_sql_statement    => p_item.lov_definition,
            p_min_columns      => 2,
            p_max_columns      => 2,
            p_component_name   => p_item.name,
            p_search_type      => apex_plugin_util.c_search_contains_case,
            p_search_column_no => 1,
            p_search_string    => p_value );
    for i in 1 .. l_column_value_list(1).count
            sys.htf.escape_sc(l_column_value_list(1)(i))|| -- display column
            sys.htf.escape_sc(l_column_value_list(2)(i))|| -- return column
    end loop;
end render_list;