This function returns some of the standard attributes of an HTML element (such as ID, name, required, placeholder, aria-error-attributes, class) which generates an HTML tag (including input, select, or textarea) to get a consistent set of attributes.


    p_item                   IN apex_plugin.t_page_item,
    p_name                   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_default_class          IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_add_id                 IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE,
    p_add_labelledby         IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE,
    p_aria_describedby_id    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_add_multi_value        IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE ) 


Parameters Description
p_item The p_item parameter of your plug-in function.
p_name The value returned by apex_plugin.get_input_name_or_page_item.
p_default_class Default CSS class contained in the result string.
p_add_id If TRUE, then the ID attribute is also contained in the result string.

Returns some of the general attributes of an HTML element (for example, the ID, name, required, placeholder, aria-error-attributes, class) which should be used if an HTML input, select, or textarea tag is generated to get a consistent set of attributes.

Set to FALSE to render an HTML input element such as input, select, or textarea which does not require specifying the aria-labelledby attribute because the label's for attribute works for those HTML input elements.

Set it to TRUE for all non-standard form element widgets (such as those using div or span) which enable focus for screen reading software.


Inclusion of aria-labelledby requires the item plug-in to have Standard Form Element set to No and that the item's corresponding label template defines a #LABEL_ID# substitution.
p_aria_describedby_id Pass additional IDs here that you would like get_element_attributes to include in the value it renders for the 'aria-describedby' attribute on the form element. This is used to convey additional information to users of assistive technologies when they are focused on the form field.
p_add_multi_value If TRUE, renders the required attrbiutes for multiple values (multi-value, multi-value-storage, multi-value-separator). Used for items that support the mutiple value infrastructure.


This example emits an INPUT tag of type text which uses apex_plugin_util.get_element_attributes to automatically include the most common attributes.

sys.htp.prn (
    '<input type="text" ' ||
    apex_plugin_util.get_element_attributes(p_item, l_name, 'text_field') ||
    'value="'||l_escaped_value||'" '||
    'size="'||p_item.element_width||'" '||
    'maxlength="'||p_item.element_max_length||'" '||
    ' />');