13.5 GET_QRCODE_PNG Function

This function generates a QR code that is configured according to the specified options and returns a BLOB in PNG format.


    p_value             IN VARCHAR2,
    p_scale             IN NUMBER         DEFAULT c_default_scale,
    p_quiet             IN NUMBER         DEFAULT c_default_quiet,
    p_eclevel           IN t_eclevel_type DEFAULT c_default_eclevel,
    p_foreground_color  IN VARCHAR2       DEFAULT c_default_foreground_color,
    p_background_color  IN VARCHAR2       DEFAULT NULL )


Parameter Description
p_value Value to be encoded into the QR Code.
p_scale Makes the orignial PNG p_scale times larger (integer 1-10). Default 1. The original size is determined by the input length.
p_quiet Blank area (positive integer value) around the QR Code used to help the scanners clearly distinguish the QR Code from its surroundings for good scannability. Defaults 1.

The error-correction level. The level determines the percentage of the total QR code that can be dirty or damaged and still be valid.

Default c_eclevel_type_high.

Possible values:

  • c_eclevel_type_low - 7% of data bytes can be restored.
  • c_eclevel_type_medium - 15% of data bytes can be restored.
  • c_eclevel_type_quartile - 25% of data bytes can be restored.
  • c_eclevel_type_high - 30% of data bytes can be restored.
p_foreground_color Foreground color. Must be in hex format. Default #000000.
p_background_color Background color. Must be in hex format. Default null (transparent).


The QR code PNG image file.


The following example generates a QR code PNG file with a determined foreground and background color. This function is usually used when a QR code image file is needed.

  l_output blob;
  l_output := apex_barcode.get_qrcode_png(
                  p_value            => 'apex.example.com',
                  p_scale            => 1,
                  p_quiet            => 5,
                  p_eclevel          => c_eclevel_type_high,
                  p_foreground_color => '#4cd964',
                  p_background_color => '#c7c7cc' );