58.14 MAKE_REQUEST Function Signature 2

This function invokes a Web service with the supplied SOAP envelope and returns the response as an XMLTYPE.


    p_url                  IN VARCHAR2,
    p_action               IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_version              IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '1.1',
    p_envelope             IN CLOB,
    p_credential_static_id IN VARCHAR2,
    p_token_url            IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_proxy_override       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_transfer_timeout     IN NUMBER   DEFAULT 180,
    p_wallet_path          IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_wallet_pwd           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_https_host           IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL )
    RETURN sys.xmltype;


Parameter Description
p_url The URL endpoint of the Web service.
p_action The SOAP Action corresponding to the operation invoked.
p_version The SOAP version (1.1 or 1.2). The default is 1.1.
p_envelope The SOAP envelope to post to the service.
p_credential_static_id The name of the Web Credentials to be used. Web Credentials are configured in Workspace Utilities.
p_token_url The URL to retrieve the token from for token-based authentication flows (such as OAuth2).
p_proxy_override The proxy to use for the request. The proxy supplied overrides the proxy defined in the application attributes.
p_transfer_timeout The amount of time in seconds to wait for a response.
p_wallet_path The filesystem path to a wallet if request is HTTPS. For example, file:/usr/home/oracle/WALLETS
p_wallet_pwd The password to access the wallet.
p_https_host The host name to be matched against the common name (CN) of the remote server's certificate for an HTTPS request.


The SOAP service response as an XMLTYPE.


The following example invokes a SOAP service returning an XMLTYPE.

    l_xml sys.xmltype;
    l_xml := apex_web_service.make_request(
        p_url                  => 'http://{host}:{port}/path/to/soap/service/',
        p_action               => 'doSoapRequest',
        p_envelope             => '{SOAP envelope in XML format}',
        p_credential_static_id => 'My_Credentials',
        p_token_url            => 'http://{host}:{port}/ords/scott/oauth/token' );