23.15 MESSAGE Procedure

This procedure logs a formatted debug message, general version.


    p_message       IN VARCHAR2,
    p0              IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL,
    p1              IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL,
    p2              IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL,
    p3              IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL,
    p4              IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL,
    p5              IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL,
    p6              IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL,
    p7              IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL,
    p8              IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL,
    p9              IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL,
    p10             IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL,
    p11             IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL,
    p12             IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL,
    p13             IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL,
    p14             IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL,
    p15             IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL,
    p16             IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL,
    p17             IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL,
    p18             IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL,
    p19             IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL,
    p_max_length    IN PLS_INTEGER  DEFAULT 1000,
    p_level         IN t_log_level  DEFAULT c_log_level_info,
    p_force         IN BOOLEAN      DEFAULT FALSE )


Parameter Description
p_message The debug message. Occurrences of % are replaced by p0 to p19, as in utl_lms.format_message and C's sprintf. Occurrences of %% represent the special character %. Occurrences of %<n> are replaced by p<n>.
p0 through p19 Substitution strings for % placeholders.
p_max_length The p<n> values is truncated to this length.
p_level The log level for the message, default is c_log_level_info. See Constants.
p_force If TRUE, this generates a debug message even if the page is not rendered in debug mode or p_level is greater than the configured debug messaging (using the URL or using the enable procedure).


This example adds text to the debug log.

apex_debug.message('the value of %s + %s equals %s', 3, 5, 'eight');