44.44 PRINT_HIDDEN Procedure

This procedure outputs a hidden field to store the page item value.


    p_item       IN apex_plugin.t_item,
    p_param      IN apex_plugin.t_item_render_param,
    p_id_postfix IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_classes    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL );


Table 44-60 PRINT_HIDDEN Parameters

Parameter Description
p_item The p_item record to be passed in.
p_param The p_param record to be passed in.
p_id_postfix A postfix for the ID of the hidden element. It is appended to the item's name.
p_classes Additional classes for the hidden element.


The following example renders a hidden element in an item type plug-in.

apex_plugin_util.print_hidden (
    p_item  => p_item,
    p_param => p_param );