45.48 PRINT_OPTION Procedure

This procedure outputs an OPTION tag.


    p_display_value       IN VARCHAR2,
    p_return_value        IN VARCHAR2,
    p_is_selected         IN BOOLEAN,
    p_attributes          IN VARCHAR2,
    p_escape              IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE );


Parameter Description
p_display_value Text which is displayed by the option.
p_return_value Value which is set when the option is picked.
p_is_selected Set to TRUE if the selected attribute should be set for this option.
p_attributes Additional HTML attributes which should be set for the OPTION tag.
p_escape Set to TRUE if special characters in p_display_value should be escaped.


The following example could be used in an item type plug-in to create a SELECT list. Use apex_plugin_util.is_equal to find out which list entry should be marked as current.

sys.htp.p('<select id="'||p_item.name||'" size="'||nvl(p_item.element_height, 5)||'" '||coalesce(p_item.element_attributes, 'class="new_select_list"')||'>');
-- loop through the result and add list entries
for i in 1 .. l_values.count
    apex_plugin_util.print_option (
        p_display_value => l_values(i).display_value,
        p_return_value  => l_values(i).return_value,
        p_is_selected   => apex_plugin_util.is_equal(l_values(i).return_value, p_value),
        p_attributes    => p_item.element_option_attributes,
        p_escape        => true );
end loop;