7.25 SET_FILE_STORAGE Procedure

This procedure sets the file storage type to use either the local database or OCI Object store. If Object store is chosen, you must pass the static ID of the remote server pointing to the object store bucket.


    p_application_id            IN  NUMBER,
    p_storage_type              t_storage_type,
    p_remote_server_static_id   IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_migrate_files             IN  BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE );


Parameter Description
p_application_id The ID of the application.
p_storage_type Whether to use database or OCI storage for files.
p_remote_server_static_id If OCI is used, Static ID of the remote server.
p_migrate_files If TRUE, migrates application files from the application export to specified file storage server.


The following example sets the file storage to OCI during import, uses the remote server with the static ID bucket-app-files-myapp, and uploads all files contained in the export file.

        p_application_id          => 100,
        p_storage_type            => apex_application_admin.c_file_storage_oci,
        p_remote_server_static_id => 'bucket-app-files-myapp',
        p_migrate_files           => true );