7.50 SET_REMOTE_SERVER Procedure

This procedure sets the Base URL and the HTTPS Host attributes for remote servers of the imported application. Remote Servers are identified by their Static ID.


    p_static_id         IN VARCHAR2,
    p_base_url          IN VARCHAR2,
    p_https_host        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_default_database  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_mysql_sql_modes   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_ords_timezone     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_ai_model_name     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_ai_http_headers   IN CLOB     DEFAULT NULL,
    p_ai_attributes     IN CLOB     DEFAULT NULL )


Parameter Description
p_static_id Static ID to reference the remote server object.
p_base_url New Base URL to use for this remote server object.
p_https_host New HTTPS Host Property to use for this remote server object. Only relevant when the base URL is https:// and the Oracle Database version is 12.2 or greater.
p_default_database Default database to use when connecting. Currently only supported for MySQL databases.
p_mysql_sql_modes SQL modes to use when connecting to a MySQL database.
p_ai_model_name The AI model to use when requesting a response from a Generative AI Service.
p_ai_http_headers HTTP headers to use when making a request to a Generative AI Service.
p_ai_attributes Attributes in JSON format to use when making a request to a Generative AI Service.


The following example sets the Base URL attribute of the remote server MY_REMOTE_SERVER for app 100.

        p_static_id => 'MY_REMOTE_SERVER',
        p_base_url => 'http://production.example.com' );