35.18 SWITCH Function

This function dynamically generates flip toggle item. If On/Off value and label are not passed, it renders Yes/No toggle. This function is designed to generate forms with F01 to F50 form array elements.


    p_idx           IN NUMBER,
    p_value         IN VARCHAR2,
    p_on_value      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Y',
    p_on_label      IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Yes',
    p_off_value     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N',
    p_off_label     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'No',
    p_item_id       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_item_label    IN VARCHAR2,
    p_attributes    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL )


Parameter Description
p_idx Form element name. For example, 1 equals F01 and 2 equals F02. Typically the P_IDX parameter is constant for a given column.
p_value Form element current value.
p_on_value The value of the item if the user picks On option.
p_on_label The display text for the On option.
p_off_value The value of the item if the user picks Off option.
p_off_label The display text for the Off option.
p_item_id HTML attribute ID for the <input> tag. Try concatenating some string with rownum to make it unique.
p_item_label Invisible label created for the item.
p_attributes Additional HTML attributes to use for the form item.


The following example demonstrates the use of APEX_ITEM.SWITCH to generate a Yes/No flip toggle item where:

  • A form array element F01 will be generated (p_idx parameter).
  • The initial value for each element will be equal to N (p_value parameter).
  • A HTML ID attribute will be generated for each row with the current rownum to uniquely identify. (p_item_id parameter). An ID of 'IS_MANAGER_2' is generated for row 2).
  • A HTML label element will be generated for each row (p_item_label parameter).
  ename "Name",
       p_idx => 1,
       p_value => 'N',
   p_item_id => 'IS_MANAGER_'||rownum,
       p_item_label => apex_escape.html(ename)||': Is Manager' )
"Is Manager"
FROM emp;