Copying a Task Definition

Copy an existing Task Definition from the Shared Components page, under the Workflows and Automations heading.

To copy a task definition:

  1. Select an application.
  2. Navigate to the Task Definitions page:
    1. On the application home page, select Shared Components.
    2. Under Workflows and Automations, select Task Definitions.
  3. Click Copy.
    The Copy Task Definition wizard appears.
  4. Specify the task definition you want to copy:
    1. Copy Source - Select This Application or Other Application.
      If you select Other Application, specify the application to copy the task definition from.
    2. Copy Task Definition - Choose the task definition to copy.
    3. New Name - Provide a name for the copied task definition
    4. New Static ID - Provide a static ID
  5. Click Copy Task Definition.
  6. APEX copies the task definition:
    Copy Task Definition copies the settings, deadline, participants, actions, and parameters from the original task, but does not copy the task details page. If the task definition uses any shared components (like email templates or Rest Data Sources), Copy Task Definition copies those shared components to the target application if they are not already there. Copy Task Definition does not copy subscriptions.
  7. Click on the task definition name to edit it.
  8. Set the Task Details Page Number. If a Task Details Page already exists for this application, enter the URL here. Otherwise, select Create Task Details Page to create a new page.
  9. Click Apply Changes to confirm any changes in the copied task definition.