Creating a Custom Map Background

Create a custom map background by selecting the application and navigating to Shared Components, Other Components, Map Backgrounds.

To create a new map background, you need the following information from your map service provider:
  • Map Background Type - Supported background map types include Raster, Vector, and OGC WMS.

  • API Key - Only required if supplied by the map service provider.

  • URL - URL to the map layer. This attribute that displays in the wizard changes based on the map background Type.

To create a custom map background:

  1. Navigate to the Shared Components page:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click App Builder.
    2. Select an application.
    3. On the Application home page, click Shared Components.

      The Shared Components page appears.


    You can also access Shared Components from Page Designer by clicking Shared Components (Shared Components) on the Page Designer toolbar.
  2. Under Other Components, click Map Backgrounds.
  3. Click Create.

    The Create Map Background Wizard appears.


    You can also copy a map background from another application. Click Copy from another app and follow the on-screen instructions.
  4. Name - Enter a name for this Map Background.
  5. Type - Select the type of the map tile layer retrieved from the URL. Options include:
    • Vector Tile Layer - Retrieves a map tile layer described in a style.json file from an URL.
    • Raster XYZ Tile Layer - Renders a raster tile that is retrieved from an URL passing x, y, and z values.
    • OGC WMS - Retrieves a layer from the Web Map Service from the Open Geospatial Consortium.
  6. API Key - If required by the provider, enter the API Key value that can be set in the URL.
  7. The URL to Map layer attribute displays next. The attributes name changes depending upon the selected map Type.


    For all options, you can add your API key (if provided) and using the placeholder {api-key} have its value replaced in the URL (for example, http://example.com/path/{api-key}).
    • If Type equals Vector Tile Layer - URL to Map Stylesheet - Retrieves a map tile layer described in a style.json file from an URL.

    • If Type equals Raster XYZ Tile Layer - Raster Tiles (XYZ) URL- URL used to fetch a raster tile passing x, y, and z values.

    • If Type equals OGC WMS - WMS URL- URL used to fetch a map tile layer from the Web Map Service - Open Geospatial Consortium. Pass in the URL with all the required WMS parameters, except the following ones, which are added automatically by the Map Region:.

      • BBOX
      • WIDTH
      • HEIGHT
      • REQUEST
      • FORMAT
      • SRS / CRS




  8. Click Create Map Background.