20.2.2 Creating a Workflow Variable

Create a workflow variable by right-clicking on the workflow version and selecting Create Variable.

A workflow variable is an input for the workflow that is specific to the workflow version. The value of a workflow variable may change during the workflow runtime.
You can only create a workflow variable if the workflow is in development. You cannot create a variable if the workflow is active.

To create a workflow variable:

  1. Right-click on the workflow version and choose Create Variable.
    You can also right-click on the Variables region, and select Create Variable.
  2. Fill in the properties for the variable:
    1. Static ID - The unique name of the variable.
    2. Label - The user-friendly label for the variable.
    3. Data Type - The type of data expected for the variable. Select from VARCHAR2, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, NUMBER, and BOOLEAN.
    4. Value - The initial value for the variable. Select from Static Value, Item, SQL Query (return single value), Expression, Function Body, or Null.