20.6 Viewing the Workflow Instance ID in Debug Messages

Display the workflow instance ID in Debug Messages when viewing workflow debug reports.

To view workflow debug messages, the workflow must have a Debug Level set. You can specify the debug level in the workflow version. For more information on setting the debug level, see Creating a Workflow Version.

To view debug messages for a specific workflow instance:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click App Builder.
  2. Select the desired application.
  3. Click Utilities.
  4. On the Utilities page, click Debug Messages.
  5. Click Actions, Columns.
    The Select Columns window appears.
  6. In the Do Not Display section, select Workflow Instance.
  7. Click Move to move Workflow Instance to Display in Report.
  8. Click Apply.
The workflow instance ID now displays in the report. For more information on working with debug messages, see Utilizing Debug Mode.