This function replaces any &ITEM. substitution references with their actual value. If p_escape is set to TRUE, any special characters contained in the value of the referenced item are escaped to prevent Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.


apex_plugin_util.replace_substitutions (
    p_value    in varchar2,
    p_escape   in boolean default true )
    return varchar2;


Table 28-41 REPLACE_SUBSTITUTION Parameters

Parameter Description


This value is a string which can contain several &ITEM. references which are replaced by their actual page item values.


If set to TRUE any special characters contained in the value of the referenced item are escaped to prevent Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. If set to FALSE, the referenced items are not escaped.


The following example replaces any substitution syntax references in the region plug-in attribute 05 with their actual values. Any special characters in the values are escaped.

l_advanced_formatting  := apex_plugin_util.replace_substitutions (
                              p_value => p_region.attribute_05,
                              p_escape => true );