Creating a Legacy Master Detail Form

Create a legacy master detail form by running the Create Page Wizard and selecting Legacy Page and then Legacy Master Detail.


Legacy master detail forms are legacy application components. Although Oracle still supports legacy components, Oracle recommends developers use the new master detail format which includes one or multiple interactive grids. See "Managing Master Detail Forms."

Developers can create a legacy master detail form using the Create Page Wizard from two tables that do not have foreign key relationship defined in the database. Although Oracle recommends the use of foreign keys and properly defined relationships in the underlying database, developers do not always have the ability to modify their database model.

In a legacy master detail form, the master detail form page includes buttons that enable the user to move forward and backward within the master result set. While running the wizard, you choose which columns determine the navigation order. You also have the option to choose whether to create a two-page or three-page master detail form, with the detail records shown in a report with single-record editing on a separate page.

To create a legacy master detail form using the create page wizard:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
  2. Select an application.
  3. Click Create Page.
  4. For Create a Page:
    1. User Interface - Select a user interface for the page (optional).
      This attribute only displays for applications using older themes and for which Desktop and Mobile User Interfaces have been defined.
    2. Page Type - Select Legacy Page and then Legacy Master Detail.


      Component pages provides page-level functionality and can be added multiple times within a given application such as reports, forms, charts, or calendars. Feature pages provide application-level functionality and can only be added once per application.

  5. On Master Table and Columns:
    1. Table/ View Owner- Choose the schema that owns the master table.
    2. Table/ View Name - Select the table or view which contains the columns to be included in the master page.
    3. Select Columns- Select the columns to display in your master page. You may add additional columns later.
    4. Use User Interface Defaults -Select whether to use User Interface Default values to create the form. If you select No, the wizard does not use User Interface Default values.
    5. Click Next.
  6. On Detail Table and Columns:
    1. Show Only Related Tables - Specify whether to restrict the list of detail tables to only those tables related to the master table. Select Yes or No.
    2. Table / View Owner - Select the table or view owner. The default selected owner for the table or view is the same owner as for your application. If the owner of your application has select privileges on tables or views in other schemas, you may select another schema.
    3. Table/View Name - Select the table or view which contains the columns to be included in the detail page.
    4. Select Columns - Select the columns to display in your detail page. You may add columns later.
    5. Click Next.

      Next, define a primary key. Forms perform insert, update and delete operations on table rows in the database. You identify the rows by using either a primary key defined on the table, or the ROWID pseudo column, which uniquely identifies a row in a table.

  7. On Define Primary Key:

    Select one for each table.

    1. Managed by Database (ROWID) - Use the ROWID pseudo column to identify rows to update and delete.
    2. Select Primary Key Column(s) - Use the source table's primary key column. If selected, specify Primary Key Column 1 and optionally Primary Key Column 2. See See field-level Help for more information.
    3. Click Next.
  8. On Master Detail Link:

    Define the relationship between the Master and Detail tables. You may type in the column names (fully qualified with table names), or choose them from the list.

    1. Link Master Column - Select the master column.
    2. Link Detail Column - Select the detail column.
    3. Click Next.
  9. On Master Options:

    If a navigation order column is not defined, the master update form will navigate by the primary key column. By default, this wizard creates a master report page. You can choose to not create master report page if you already have a report page.

    1. Include master row navigation? - Select Yes or No. If you select Yes, define the navigation order columns. If a navigation order column is not defined, the master update form will navigate by the primary key column.

      If a navigation order column is not defined, the master update form will navigate by the primary key column. By default, this wizard creates a master report page. You can choose to not create master report page if you already have a report page.

    2. Master Row Navigation Order- Select the master row navigation order.
    3. Secondary Navigation Order - Select the secondary navigation order.
    4. Include master report? - Click No to if you already have a report page.
    5. Click Next.
  10. On Layout:
    1. Edit detail as tabular form on same page - Select to create a two page master detail.
    2. Edit detail on separate page - Select to create three page master detail.
    3. Click Next.
  11. On Page Attributes:


    This page specifies master and detail page information. If the pages you specify do not exist, the pages will be created for you.

    Master Page

    1. Page Number - Enter the page numbers that will display master and detail. A new page will be created if one does not already exist.
    2. Page Title - Enter page titles for the new pages. If the pages already exist, the existing page names display.
    3. Region Title - Enter names for the regions containing the master and detail.
    4. Page Mode - Identify the page mode, See field-level Help for more information.

    Detail Page

    1. Page Number - Enter the page number.
    2. Page Title - Enter the page title.
    3. Click Next.
  12. On Navigation Menu, select how you want this page integrated into the Navigation Menu and click Next. See field-level Help for more information.
  13. On Confirm:

    Verify the attributes and confirm your selections.

  14. Click Create.