Team Development Home Page

The Team Development home page is the starting point for tracking new features, non-feature related tasks (also known as To Dos), bugs, and milestones.

The following large icons display on the Team Development home page:

  • Milestones. Track events associated with the development process and associate milestones with features, bugs, and to dos.

  • Features. Track features from initial concept through implementation. You can organize features by release, assignee, tags, or associated milestones.

  • To Dos. Manage action items that can be assigned, prioritized, tagged, and tracked. To dos can also have related parent tasks. To dos may or may not be associated with a feature or milestone.

  • Bugs. Track software defects or bugs. Bugs can be assigned, associated with milestones, and tracked by due date, status, and other attributes.

  • Feedback. Gathering real-time comments, enhancement requests, and bugs from your application users.

News Region

Use the News region to communicate with other developers. You can add new or view news entries posted by other workspace users. News displays on the Application Express home page, the Team Development home page, and the News page.

Utilities Region

The Utilities region displays on the right side of the page and offers quick access to Team Development Utilities page. To access the Utilities page, click All Utilities or click a specific link.

Summary Regions

The bottom of the Team Development home page features the following summary regions:

  • Milestones. Provides a summary of the number of days to the final release milestone.

  • Bugs. Provides a summary of closed bugs.

  • Features. Lists a percentage of features that are functionally complete.

  • To Dos. Lists a percentage of completed To Dos.

  • Feedback. Displays recent feedback entries.

  • Team Development Summary. Lists the total number of features, to dos, milestones, bugs, and feedback entries.

  • Tags. Displays a weighted list of all the tags associated with all Team Development components. Click the hyperlinks to link to a search page displaying all components with the selected tag. You can use the Tags summary to better manage Team Development components. To populate this summary, edit the Team Development component (that is, feature, To Do task, bug, and feedback entry and update the Tags field.


Most summary regions display a plus (+) sign and greater than sign (>) in the upper right corner. Click the plus (+) sign to add a component and click the greater than sign (>) to link to the component dashboard page.

See Also:

"Managing News Entries"