15.5 ADD_FILTER Procedure

This procedure adds a filter to the filter collection.


procedure add_filter (
    p_filters           in out nocopy t_filters,
    p_filter_type       in            t_filter_type,
    p_column_name       in            t_column_name );

procedure add_filter (
    p_filters           in out nocopy t_filters,
    p_filter_type       in            t_filter_type,
    p_column_name       in            t_column_name,
    p_value             in            varchar2,
    p_null_result       in            boolean  default false,
    p_is_case_sensitive in            boolean  default true );

procedure add_filter (
    p_filters           in out nocopy t_filters,
    p_filter_type       in            t_filter_type,
    p_column_name       in            t_column_name,
    p_from_value        in            varchar2,
    p_to_value          in            varchar2,
    p_null_result       in            boolean default false,
    p_is_case_sensitive in            boolean default true );

procedure add_filter (
    p_filters           in out nocopy t_filters,
    p_filter_type       in            t_filter_type,
    p_column_name       in            t_column_name,
    p_values            in            wwv_flow_t_varchar2,
    p_null_result       in            boolean default false,
    p_is_case_sensitive in            boolean default true );

procedure add_filter (
    p_filters           in out nocopy t_filters,
    p_filter_type       in            t_filter_type,
    p_column_name       in            t_column_name,
    p_value             in            number,
    p_null_result       in            boolean default false );

procedure add_filter (
    p_filters           in out nocopy t_filters,
    p_filter_type       in            t_filter_type,
    p_column_name       in            t_column_name,
    p_from_value        in            number,
    p_to_value          in            number,
    p_null_result       in            boolean default false );

procedure add_filter (
    p_filters           in out nocopy t_filters,
    p_filter_type       in            t_filter_type,
    p_column_name       in            t_column_name,
    p_values            in            wwv_flow_t_number,
    p_null_result       in            boolean default false );

procedure add_filter (
    p_filters           in out nocopy t_filters,
    p_filter_type       in            t_filter_type,
    p_column_name       in            t_column_name,
    p_value             in            date,
    p_null_result       in            boolean default false );

procedure add_filter (
    p_filters           in out nocopy t_filters,
    p_filter_type       in            t_filter_type,
    p_column_name       in            t_column_name,
    p_from_value        in            date,
    p_to_value          in            date,
    p_null_result       in            boolean default false );

procedure add_filter (
    p_filters           in out nocopy t_filters,
    p_filter_type       in            t_filter_type,
    p_column_name       in            t_column_name,
    p_value             in            timestamp,
    p_null_result       in            boolean default false );

procedure add_filter (
    p_filters           in out nocopy t_filters,
    p_filter_type       in            t_filter_type,
    p_column_name       in            t_column_name,
    p_from_value        in            timestamp,
    p_to_value          in            timestamp,
    p_null_result       in            boolean default false );

procedure add_filter (
    p_filters           in out nocopy t_filters,
    p_filter_type       in            t_filter_type,
    p_column_name       in            t_column_name,
    p_value             in            timestamp with time zone,
    p_null_result       in            boolean default false );

procedure add_filter (
    p_filters           in out nocopy t_filters,
    p_filter_type       in            t_filter_type,
    p_column_name       in            t_column_name,
    p_from_value        in            timestamp with time zone,
    p_to_value          in            timestamp with time zone,
    p_null_result       in            boolean default false );

procedure add_filter (
    p_filters           in out nocopy t_filters,
    p_filter_type       in            t_filter_type,
    p_column_name       in            t_column_name,
    p_value             in            timestamp with local time zone,
    p_null_result       in            boolean default false );

procedure add_filter (
    p_filters           in out nocopy t_filters,
    p_filter_type       in            t_filter_type,
    p_column_name       in            t_column_name,
    p_from_value        in            timestamp with local time zone,
    p_to_value          in            timestamp with local time zone,
    p_null_result       in            boolean default false );

procedure add_filter (
    p_filters           in out nocopy t_filters,
    p_filter_type       in            t_filter_type,
    p_column_name       in            t_column_name,
    p_interval          in            pls_integer,
    p_interval_type     in            t_filter_interval_type,
    p_null_result       in            boolean default false );

procedure add_filter (
    p_filters           in out nocopy t_filters,
    p_search_columns    in            t_columns,
    p_is_case_sensitive in            boolean default false,
    p_value             in            varchar2 );

procedure add_filter (
    p_filters           in out nocopy t_filters,
    p_sql_expression    in            varchar2 );


Table 15-3 ADD_FILTER Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


Filters array.


Type of filter - use one of the t_filter_type constants.


Column to apply this filter on.


Value for filters requiring one value (e.g. equals or greater than).


Value array for IN or NOT IN filters.


Lower value for filters requiring a range (e.g. between).


Upper value for filters requiring a range (e.g. between).


Interval for date filters (e.g. last X months).


Interval type for date filters (months, dates).


Generic SQL expression to use as filter.


Result to return when the actual column value is NULL.


Whether this filter should work case-sensitive or not.


List of columns to apply the row search filter on.


    l_filters     apex_exec.t_filters;
    l_context     apex_exec.t_context;
        p_filters     => l_filters,
        p_filter_type => apex_exec.c_filter_eq,
        p_column_name => 'ENAME',
        p_value       => 'KING' );

       p_filters     => l_filters,
       p_filter_type => apex_exec.c_filter_gt,
       p_column_name => 'SAL',
       p_value       => 2000 );

   l_context := apex_exec.open_web_source_query(
       p_module_static_id => '{web source module static ID}', 
       p_filters          => l_filters
       p_max_rows         => 1000 );

       while apex_exec.next_row( l_context ) loop
           -- process rows here ...
       end loop;

  apex_exec.close( l_context );
     when others then
        apex_exec.close( l_context );