23.5 MESSAGE Function

Use this function to translate text strings (or messages) generated from PL/SQL stored procedures, functions, triggers, packaged procedures, and functions.


    p_name            IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p0                IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p1                IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p2                IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p9                IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_lang            IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_application_id  IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL)


Table 23-4 MESSAGE Parameters

Parameter Description


Name of the message as defined in Text Messages under Shared Components of your application in Oracle Application Express.

p0 through p9

Dynamic substitution value: p0 corresponds to %0 in the translation string; p1 corresponds to %1 in the translation string; p2 corresponds to %2 in the translation string, and so on.


Language code for the message to be retrieved. If not specified, Oracle Application Express uses the current language for the user as defined in the Application Language Derived From attribute.

See also: Specifying the Primary Language for an Application in the Oracle Application Express App Builder User’s Guide.


Used to specify the application ID within the current workspace that owns the translated message you wish to return. Useful when coding packages that might be called outside of the scope of Oracle Application Express such as packages called from a database job.


The following example assumes you have defined a message called GREETING_MSG in your application in English as "Good morning %0" and in German as "Guten Tag %1". The following example demonstrates how you could invoke this message from PL/SQL:

-- Print the greeting

How the p_lang attribute is defined depends on how the Application Express engine derives the Application Primary Language. For example, if you are running the application in German and the previous call is made to the APEX_LANG.MESSAGE API, the Application Express engine first looks for a message called GREETING_MSG with a LANG_CODE of de. If it does not find anything, then it is reverted to the Application Primary Language attribute. If it still does not find anything, the Application Express engine looks for a message by this name with a language code of en.