20.3.5 Configuring Access Control

Configure user access on the Administration page.

Use Configure Access Control to specify the behavior when authenticated users access the application, determine the default role for users not in the access control list, and determine the userame format (email or string).

To configure access control:

  1. Run the application and navigate to Access Control.
    By default, navigate to the Administration page and locate Access Control section.
  2. Under Access Control, click Access Control.
  3. For Any authenticated user may access this application, select either:
    • No - Select No if all defined users are included in the access control list.
    • Yes - Select Yes if authenticated users not in the access control list may also use this application.
  4. For Treat authenticated users not in ACL as, select either:
    • Readers - Readers only have view privileges.
    • Contributors - Contributors have view and edit privileges
  5. For Username format, select:
    • E-mail Address
    • String
  6. To save your changes, click Apply Changes.