5.13 Viewing Script and Result Quotas

You can view the script limits in the current workspace on the Script Quotas page.

To view the Script Quotas page:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click SQL Workshop and then SQL Scripts.

    The SQL Scripts page appears.

  2. On the Tasks list, click Show Quotas.

    The Script Quotas page appears and displays the following limits:

    • Result Quota in Bytes:

      • Maximum Script Result Size - The maximum size in bytes of a single script result. This size is set by an Oracle Application Express instance administrator and cannot be changed from within the workspace.

      • Quota for All Script Results - The maximum size in bytes of all results in this workspace. This size is set by an Oracle Application Express instance administrator and cannot be changed from within the workspace.

      • Used - The number of bytes currently used in this workspace.

      • Free - The number of bytes currently free in this workspace.

      • Quota - A usage bar illustrating the percentage of quota currently used.

    • Script Quota in Bytes:

      • Maximum Script Size - The maximum size in bytes of a single script. The size is set by the Oracle Application Express instance administrator and cannot be changed within the Workspace.

  3. Click Cancel to return to the SQL Scripts page.