Creating a Report Using a REST Enabled SQL Reference

Create a report on a remote database using a REST Enabled SQL reference.

The following example demonstrates how to create interactive report based on a table using a REST Enabled SQL reference. The procedures for creating other report types is similar.


Before creating a report using a using a REST Enabled SQL reference, you must complete the tasks described in "Before You Begin: REST Enabled SQL Service Requirements" and create the reference as described in "Creating a REST Enabled SQL Service Reference."

To create an interactive report using a REST Enabled SQL reference:

  1. Create a REST Enabled SQL reference.
  2. Run the Create Page Wizard:
    1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.
    2. Click the App Builder icon.
    3. Select an application.
    4. On the Application home page, click Create Page.
      The Create Page Wizard appears.
  3. On Create a Page:
    1. Page Type - Select Component.
    2. Click Report.
  4. On Create Page, select Interactive Report.
  5. For Page Attributes:
    1. Page Number - Enter a page number. If you identify a new page number, the wizard creates a new page. If you identify an existing page number, the wizard adds the component to that page.
    2. Page Name - Specify a name for the page.
    3. Page Mode - Select a page mode. Normal presents the page as a normal Application Express application page. Modal Dialog presents the page as an overlay window positioned which remains active and focused until the end user dismisses (closes) it. The underlying page is grayed out and the end user is prevented from interacting with the rest of the page until the dialog is closed.
    4. Breadcrumb - Select whether you want to use a breadcrumb navigation control on your page, and which breadcrumb navigation control you want to use.
    5. Click Next.
  6. For Navigation Preference:
    1. Select how you want this page integrated into the Navigation Menu. To learn more, see field-level Help.
    2. Click Next.
  7. On Report Source:
    1. Data Source - Select REST Enabled SQL Service.
    2. REST Enabled SQL Service - Select a previously defined reference.
    3. Source Type - Specify the source of the new page. Reports can be based on tables or SQL queries. Select either Table or SQL Query. In the illustration that follows, the Source Type is Table.
    4. Table/View Owner - Select the owner of the table on which you are building a report.
    5. Table/View Name - Select the table on which you are building a report.
    6. Select Columns - Select one or more columns to be included in the region. Selected columns will display in the report.

    For example, the next illustration shows a Report Source which uses a REST Enabled SQL Service called My REST Enabled SQL, which includes all columns in the EMP table.

    Description of rest_enabled_sql_create_ir.png follows
    Description of the illustration rest_enabled_sql_create_ir.png
  8. Click Create.
    Page Designer appears.
  9. Click Save and Run Page to view the report.