13.4 ADD_COLUMN Procedure

This procedure adds a column to the column collection. Column collections can be passed to the EXPORT calls in order to return only a subset of the columns in the export. If an empty column collection (or no column collection) passes, all columns defined in the Query Context are added to the export.


    p_columns               IN OUT NOCOPY   t_columns,
    p_name                  IN              wwv_flow_exec_api.t_column_name,
    p_heading               IN              VARCHAR2                            DEFAULT NULL,
    p_format_mask           IN              VARCHAR2                            DEFAULT NULL,
    p_heading_alignment     IN              t_alignment                         DEFAULT NULL,
    p_value_alignment       IN              t_alignment                         DEFAULT NULL,
    p_width                 IN              NUMBER                              DEFAULT NULL,
    p_is_column_break       IN              BOOLEAN                             DEFAULT FALSE,
    p_is_frozen             IN              BOOLEAN                             DEFAULT FALSE,
    p_column_group_idx      IN              PLS_INTEGER                         DEFAULT NULL );


Parameter Description
p_columns Column collection.
p_name Column name.
p_heading Column heading text.
p_format_mask Format mask to apply. Useful for XLSX exports where native datatypes are used.
p_heading_alignment Column heading alignment. Valid values are: LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT.
p_value_alignment Column value alignment. Valid values are: LEFT, CENTER, RIGHT.
p_width PDF only. The column width. By default the units are as percentage. The units can be modified by updating the width_units of the print config.
p_is_column_break Whether to use this column for control breaks
p_is_frozen XLSX only. Whether the column is frozen.
p_column_group_idx The index of a column group. If used, this column will part of the column group.


    l_context               apex_exec.t_context;

    l_export                apex_data_export.t_export;
    l_columns               apex_data_export.t_columns;

    l_context := apex_exec.open_query_context(
        p_location    => apex_exec.c_location_local_db,
        p_sql_query   => 'select * from emp' );

        p_columns             => l_columns,
        p_name                => 'ENAME',
        p_heading             => 'Name' );

        p_columns             => l_columns,
        p_name                => 'JOB',
        p_heading             => 'Job' );

        p_columns             => l_columns,
        p_name                => 'SAL',
        p_heading             => 'Salary',
        p_format_mask         => 'FML999G999G999G999G990D00' );

    l_export := apex_data_export.export (
        p_context               => l_context,
        p_format                => apex_data_export.c_format_html,
        p_columns               => l_columns,
        p_file_name             => 'employees' );

    apex_exec.close( l_context );

    apex_data_export.download( p_export => l_export );

    WHEN others THEN
        apex_exec.close( l_context );