13.2 Data Types


subtype t_alignment             is varchar2(255);
subtype t_label                 is varchar2(255);
subtype t_color                 is varchar2(4000);
subtype t_format                is varchar2(20);
subtype t_content_disposition   is varchar2(30);
subtype t_unit                  is varchar2(4000);
subtype t_size                  is varchar2(4000);
subtype t_width_unit            is varchar2(255);
subtype t_orientation           is varchar2(4000);
subtype t_font_family           is varchar2(4000);
subtype t_font_weight           is varchar2(4000);

Resulting Object of an Export

type t_export is record (
    file_name                   varchar2(32767),
    format                      t_format,
    mime_type                   varchar2(32767),
    as_clob                     boolean,
    content_blob                blob,
    content_clob                clob );

Column Groups

type t_column_group is record (
    name                        varchar2(255),
    alignment                   t_alignment,
    parent_group_idx            pls_integer );

type t_column_groups            is table of t_column_group  index by pls_integer;


type t_column is record (
    name                        wwv_flow_exec_api.t_column_name,
    heading                     varchar2(255),
    format_mask                 varchar2(4000),
    heading_alignment           t_alignment,
    value_alignment             t_alignment,
    width                       number,
    is_column_break             boolean,
    is_frozen                   boolean,
    column_group_idx            pls_integer );

type t_columns                  is table of t_column        index by pls_integer;


type t_highlight is record (
    id                          number,
    name                        varchar2(4000),
    value_column                wwv_flow_exec_api.t_column_name,
    display_column              wwv_flow_exec_api.t_column_name,
    text_color                  t_color,
    background_color            t_color );

type t_highlights               is table of t_highlight     index by pls_integer;


type t_aggregate is record (
    label                       t_label,
    format_mask                 varchar2(4000),
    display_column              wwv_flow_exec_api.t_column_name,
    value_column                wwv_flow_exec_api.t_column_name,
    overall_label               t_label,
    overall_value_column        wwv_flow_exec_api.t_column_name );

type t_aggregates               is table of t_aggregate     index by pls_integer;

Print Config

type t_print_config is record (
    units                       t_unit,
    paper_size                  t_size,
    width_units                 t_width_unit,
    width                       number,
    height                      number,
    orientation                 t_orientation,
    page_header                 varchar2(4000),
    page_header_font_color      t_color,
    page_header_font_family     t_font_family,
    page_header_font_weight     t_font_weight,
    page_header_font_size       varchar2(4000),
    page_header_alignment       t_alignment,
    page_footer                 varchar2(4000),
    page_footer_font_color      t_color,
    page_footer_font_family     t_font_family,
    page_footer_font_weight     t_font_weight,
    page_footer_font_size       varchar2(4000),
    page_footer_alignment       t_alignment,
    header_bg_color             t_color,
    header_font_color           t_color,
    header_font_family          t_font_family,
    header_font_weight          t_font_weight,
    header_font_size            varchar2(4000),
    body_bg_color               t_color,
    body_font_color             t_color,
    body_font_family            t_font_family,
    body_font_weight            t_font_weight,
    body_font_size              varchar2(4000),
    border_width                number,
    border_color                t_color );