14.2 Data Types
The data types used by the APEX_DATA_PARSER
package are described in this section.
type t_file_profile is record(
file_type t_file_type,
file_charset varchar2(128),
row_selector varchar2(32767),
is_single_row boolean,
first_row_headings boolean,
xlsx_worksheet varchar2(128),
xml_namespaces varchar2(4000),
csv_delimiter varchar2(4),
csv_enclosed varchar2(4),
null_if varchar2(20),
parsed_rows number,
file_columns t_file_columns );
The t_file_columns type is defined as table of t_file_column type
type t_file_column is record(
col_seq pls_integer,
name varchar2(128),
data_type apex_exec_api.t_data_type,
data_type_len pls_integer,
selector varchar2(32767),
decimal_char varchar2(1),
group_char varchar2(1),
format_mask varchar2(128) );
Parent topic: APEX_DATA_PARSER