Use this procedure to create a collection from a supplied query. This method is identical to CREATE_COLLECTION_FROM_QUERY, however, the first 5 columns of the SELECT clause must be numeric and the next 5 must be date. After the numeric and date columns, there can be up to 50 character columns in the SELECT clause. The query is parsed as the application owner. If a collection exists with the same name for the current user in the same session for the current Application ID, an application error is raised.


    p_collection_name    IN VARCHAR2,
    p_query              IN VARCHAR2,
    p_generate_md5       IN VARCHAR2 default 'NO',
    p_truncate_if_exists IN VARCHAR2 default 'NO');


Table 9-10 CREATE_COLLECTION_FROM_QUERY2 Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description


The name of the collection. The maximum length is 255 characters. An error is returned if this collection exists with the specified name of the current user and in the same session.


Query to execute to populate the members of the collection.


Valid values include YES and NO. YES to specify if the message digest of the data of the collection member should be computed. Use this parameter to compare the MD5 of the collection member with another member or to see if that member has changed.


If YES, then members of the collection will first be truncated if the collection exists and no error will be raised. If NO (or not YES), and the collection exists, an error will be raised.


The following example shows how to use the CREATE_COLLECTION_FROM_QUERY2 procedure to create a collection named EMPLOYEE and populate it with data from the EMP table. The first five columns (mgr, sal, comm, deptno, and null) are all numeric. Because p_generate_md5 is 'NO', the MD5 checksum is not computed.

        p_collection_name => 'EMPLOYEE', 
        p_query => 'select empno, sal, comm, deptno, null, hiredate, null, null, null, null, ename, job, mgr from emp',
        p_generate_md5 => 'NO');