Uploading Additional Files

To add files to your conversion project:

  1. From the Application Migrations page, click the project name.
  2. On the Project page, click Upload Another File.
  3. For File Type, select one of the following:
    • Forms Module - Upload a FormModule in XML format (myForm_fmb.xml). Use the Forms2XML conversion tool to convert Oracle FormModule .FMB files to .XML format.

    • PL/SQL Library - Upload a PL/SQL Library associated with your Oracle Forms application (myLibrary.PLD). The library must be in text format. Use the File > Convert option in Oracle Forms Builder to convert PL/SQL library .PLLs to .PLD text files.

    • Oracle Report - Upload an Oracle Report in XML format (myReport.XML). Use the File Conversion option in Oracle Reports Builder to convert binary(.RDF), ASCII (.REX), and .JSP Reports to XML format.

    • Object Library - Upload an Object Library in XML format (myObjects_olb.XML). Use the Forms2XML conversion tool to convert Object Library .OLB files to .XML format.

    • Forms Menu - Upload an Oracle Form Menu in XML format (myMenu_mmb.XML). Use the Forms2XML conversion tool to convert FormsMenu .MMB file to .XML format.

  4. File - Locate the file you want to upload.
  5. Click Upload.

    The Confirm page appears.

  6. To add more files, click Upload and Upload Another and repeat the previous steps until all files appear on the Confirm page.
  7. Review the file details, and click Finish.

    The Project page appears.