24.8.4 Exporting a Workspace

Move or copy a workspace by exporting it.

Exporting a workspace creates a SQL script file which includes user groups, users, Team Development data, and workspace artifacts including SQL Scripts, SQL Command History, saved SQL, user preferences, developer login history, email logs, and user interface defaults. Workspace exports do not include applications.
Oracle does not recommend exporting an entire workspace unless you want to migrate workspace users or replicate Shared Component subscriptions in the target instance.

To export a workspace:

  1. Navigate to the Export page:
    1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
    2. On the App Builder home page, click Workspace Utilities.
    3. Click Export.
  2. On the Export page, click Workspace.
  3. Under Export Workspace:
    1. Include Team Development - Set to On to include Team Development data. Only select Off if the target instance for this workspace is a runtime only instance.
    2. Export Type - In most cases, do not change the default value Minimal. Only select Full if you want to replicate this workspace and all workspace artifacts including SQL Scripts, SQL Command History, saved SQL, user preferences, developer login history, email logs, and user interface defaults.
    3. File Format - Indicates the character set in which the export file will be encoded.
  4. Click Export.
  5. Import the the Workspace Export in Administration Services.

See Also:

"Importing a Workspace in Administration Services" in Oracle Application Express Administration Guide