Setting Milestones

View an issue and then set milestones.

Use Milestones to track events. You can assign one or more milestones to an event.

To set milestones:

  1. View the issue:
    1. Click the Team Development menu.
    2. Click the issue title.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Set Milestones.

    You can also click the Set Milestones icon on far right side of the page.

  3. In the Milestones dialog:
    1. Select milestones to add to the issue.
    2. Optionally select Show Closed Milestones.
    3. Click Apply Changes.

    A new event is added to the Event Timeline and the new milestones display under Milestones in the far right region. The color of the milestone indicates the following:

    • Red - The milestones date is in the past.

    • Yellow - The milestones date is within two weeks.

    • Green - The milestones date is more than two weeks 2 weeks in the future.

See Also:

"Managing Milestones"