Editing Database Accounts

Edit the Database Accounts authentication scheme for an instance.

Database Account Credentials requires that a database user (schema) exist in the local database. This authentication method uses the database account user name and password to authenticate the user. Choose Database Account Credentials if having one database account for each named user of your application is feasible and account maintenance using database tools meets your needs.

To edit Database Accounts:

  1. Sign in to Oracle APEX Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Instance.
  3. Under Instance Settings, click Security.
  4. Under Authentication Control, scroll down to Development Environment Authentication Schemes.
    The Status column indicates if the authentication scheme designated as Current.
  5. Find Database Accounts and click Edit.
    The Edit Scheme page appears.
  6. Click Make Current Scheme to have applications identify and verify the user using this authentication scheme.
  7. Under Edit Authentication Scheme:
    • PL/SQL Code - Enter a PL/SQL anonymous block of code that contains procedures for pre- and post-authentication entry points. To improve performance, you can also store this code in a PL/SQL package in the database.
    • Pre-Authentication Procedure Name - Specify the name of a procedure to be executed after the login page is submitted and just before credentials verification is performed. The procedure can be defined in the PL/SQL Code attribute or within the database.

      Authentication schemes where user credentials checking is done outside of Application Express typically do not execute the Pre-Authentiation procedure. Examples include HTTP Header Variable, Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On and custom authentication schemes that use APEX_AUTHENTICATION.POST_LOGIN instead of APEX_AUTHENTICATION.LOGIN.

    • Post-Authentication Procedure Name - Specify the name of a procedure to be executed by the Application Express LOGIN procedure after the authentication step (login credentials verification). The LOGIN procedure will execute this code after it performs its normal duties, which include setting a cookie and registering the session, but before it redirects to the desired application page. The procedure can be defined in the PL/SQL Code attribute or within the database.
  8. To save your changes, click Apply Changes.