3.14.2 Editing Workspace Information

View or edit existing workspace information and behavior including workspace details, display name, login controls, component availability, and session timeout.


To ensure the security and performance of your development environment, some administration functionality is not available in Oracle APEX instances running in Oracle Cloud.

To view and edit existing workspace information:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.
  2. Click Manage Workspaces.
  3. Under Workspace Reports, click Existing Workspaces.

    The Existing Workspaces page appears

  4. To edit a workspace, click the workspace name.

    The Edit Workspace Information page appears.

  5. Under Edit Workspace Information:
    • Workspace Name - View or update the workspace name.
    • Feedback Synchronization Source Identifier - Identifies the source of application feedback.

      For example, if you are synchronizing feedback from a production system to your development system, you can identify the source of the feedback and prevent feature number collisions.

    • Allow workspace to be automatically purged - Determines if this workspace is a candidate for automatic purging of unused workspaces.
    • Log Web Service Requests - Determines if web service requests are logged for this workspace.

      This setting is only relevant if Manage Instance, Feature Configuration, Monitoring, Web Service Activity Logging is set to Use Workspace Settings.

    • Workspace Message - Enter a message to be displayed on the home page of this workspace and in the App Builder.
  6. Under Workspace Appearance:
    • Display Name - Enter a message to be displayed on the home page of this workspace and in App Builder.
  7. Under Login Control:


    To ensure the security and performance of your development environment, this functionality is not available in Oracle APEX instances running in Oracle Cloud.
    • Account Expiration and Locking - Make a selection to determine whether Oracle APEX end user accounts can be expired or locked. This feature applies only to end-user accounts created using the Oracle APEX user management interface.
    • Maximum Login Failures Allowed - Enter a positive integer to be used as the maximum number of consecutive unsuccessful authentication attempts allowed before an end-user account is locked.

      If you do not specify a value in this field, the site-level Maximum Login Failures Allowed Environment Setting is used.

    • End User Account Lifetime (days) - Enter a positive integer to be used as the maximum number of days an end-user account password may be used before the account is expired.

      If you do not specify a value in this field, the site-level Account Password Lifetime Environment Setting will be used.

  8. Under Component Availability:
    • Allow App Builder - Enable App Builder for this workspace.
    • Allow SQL Workshop - Enable SQL Workshop for this workspace.
    • Allow PL/SQL Editing in SQL Workshop - Allow PL/SQL procedures, packages, functions, and triggers to be edited in the browser.
    • Allow RESTful Services - Controls the ability to create and access RESTful Services in the current workspace. This
    • RESTful Path Prefix - Specify the unique URI path prefix to be used to access RESTful Services in the current workspace. The default path prefix value is the name of the workspace.
    • Allow Team Development - Enable Team Development in this workspace.
  9. Under Session Timeout:


    To ensure the security and performance of your development environment, this functionality is not available in Oracle APEX instances running in Oracle Cloud.
    • Maximum Session Length in Seconds - Defines how long (in seconds) sessions can exist and be used by applications in this Application Express instance. This setting is superseded by the corresponding workspace-level setting and application-level setting.
      • Enter a positive integer to control how long a session can exist.

      • Enter 0 to have the session exist indefinitely.

      • Leave the value empty in order to revert to the default value of 8 hours (28800 seconds).

    • Maximum Session Idle Time in Seconds - Session Idle Time is the time between the last page request and the next page request. This setting is superseded by the corresponding workspace-level setting and application-level setting.
      • Enter a positive integer to control the default idle time for sessions used by applications in this Application Express instance.

      • Leave the value empty in order to revert to the default value of 1 hour (3600 seconds).

    • Session Timeout Warning in Seconds - The session timeout warning time defines (in seconds) how long before a session times out (either maximum session length, or maximum session idle time), to warn the user. For the maximum session idle time warning, the user will have the opportunity to extend the session. For maximum session length warning, the user will be prompted to save any work, to avoid loss of data when the session maximum time is reached. This setting is superseded by the corresponding workspace-level setting and application-level setting.
      • Enter a positive integer to control the warning time for sessions used by applications in this Application Express instance.

      • Enter 0 to switch off session timeout warnings.

      • Leave the value empty in order to revert to the default value of 5 minutes (300 seconds).

  10. To save your changes, click Apply Changes.