This procedure adds the link tag to load a third-party CSS file and also takes into account the specified CDN (content delivery network) for the application.

Supported libraries include:

  • jQuery
  • jQueryMobile
  • jQueryUI

If a library has already been added, it is not added a second time.


    p_library       IN    VARCHAR2, 
    p_file_name     IN    VARCHAR2, 
    p_directory     IN    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
    p_version       IN    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, 
    p_media_query   IN    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL );


Table 11-2 ADD_3RD_PARTY_LIBRARY_FILE Parameters

Parameters Description
p_library Use one of the c_library_* constants.
p_file_name Specifies the file name without version, .min, and .css
p_directory (Optional) Directory where the file p_file_name is located.
p_version (Optional) If no value is provided, then uses the same version shipped with APEX.
p_media_query (Optional) Value that is set as media query.


The following example loads the Cascading Style Sheet file of the Accordion component of the jQuery UI.

apex_css.add_3rd_party_library_file (
    p_library   => apex_css.c_library_jquery_ui,
    p_file_name => 'jquery.ui.accordion' )