44.142 SUBMIT_FEEDBACK Procedure

This procedure enables you to write a procedure to submit feedback, rather than using the feedback page generated by Create Page Wizard.


    p_comment          IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_type             IN NUMBER   DEFAULT '1',
    p_application_id   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_page_id          IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_email            IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_screen_width     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_screen_height    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_attribute_01     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_attribute_02     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_attribute_03     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_attribute_04     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_attribute_05     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_attribute_06     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_attribute_07     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_attribute_08     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_label_01         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_label_02         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_label_03         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_label_04         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_label_05         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_label_06         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_label_07         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_label_08         IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_rating           IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
    p_attachment_name  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL );


Table 44-121 SUBMIT_FEEDBACK Parameters

Parameter Description
p_comment Comment to be submitted.
p_type Type of feedback (1 is General Comment, 2 is Enhancement Request, 3 is Bug).
p_application_id ID of application related to the feedback.
p_page_id ID of page related to the feedback.
p_email Email of the user providing the feedback.
p_screen_width Width of screen at time feedback was provided.
p_screen_height Height of screen at time feedback was provided.
p_attribute_01 Custom attribute for collecting feedback.
p_attribute_02 Custom attribute for collecting feedback.
p_attribute_03 Custom attribute for collecting feedback.
p_attribute_04 Custom attribute for collecting feedback.
p_attribute_05 Custom attribute for collecting feedback.
p_attribute_06 Custom attribute for collecting feedback.
p_attribute_07 Custom attribute for collecting feedback.
p_attribute_08 Custom attribute for collecting feedback.
p_label_01 Label for corresponding custom attribute.
p_label_02 Label for corresponding custom attribute.
p_label_03 Label for corresponding custom attribute.
p_label_04 Label for corresponding custom attribute.
p_label_05 Label for corresponding custom attribute.
p_label_06 Label for corresponding custom attribute.
p_label_07 Label for corresponding custom attribute.
p_label_08 Label for corresponding custom attribute.
p_rating User experience (3 is Good, 2 is Neutral, 1 is Bad).
p_attachment_name Bind variable reference to the feedback form's "File Browse" page item.


The following example submits a bad user experience because of a bug on page 22 within application 283.

    apex_util.submit_feedback (
       p_comment => 'This page does not render properly for me',
       p_type => 3,
       p_rating => 1,
       p_application_id => 283,
       p_page_id => 22,
       p_email => 'user@xyz.corp',
       p_attribute_01 => 'Charting',
       p_label_01 => 'Component' );