6.1 Performing Pre-installation Tasks for Oracle APEX

Review and perform pre-installation tasks before installing Oracle APEX.

Before installing Oracle APEX, Oracle recommends that you complete the following steps:

  1. Review and satisfy all Oracle APEX installation requirements.
  2. If you are actively using Oracle APEX and upgrading the current installation, then shut down with normal or immediate priority the Oracle Database instances where you plan to install Oracle APEX. On Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) systems, shut down all instances on each node.

    An alternative to shutting down the database, you can prevent all users from accessing Oracle APEX when upgrading your installation from a previous release of Oracle APEX. Oracle only recommends this option in high availability production environments where planned outages are not available. For all other scenarios, the database should be shut down.

    To disable access to Oracle APEX when an existing installation is using Oracle REST Data Services, shut down the appropriate application server where Oracle REST Data Services is deployed.

    Once you have prevented access from APEX users, log in to SQL*Plus as SYS, connecting to the database where Oracle APEX is installed, and query V$SESSION to ensure there are no long running sessions which would interfere with the upgrade process.

  3. Back up the Oracle Database installation.

    Oracle recommends that you create a backup of the current Oracle Database installation before you install Oracle APEX. You can use Oracle Database Recovery Manager, which is included in the Oracle Database installation, to perform the backup.

  4. Start the Oracle Database instance that contains the target database.

    After backing up the system, you must start the Oracle instance that contains the target Oracle Database. Do not start other processes such as a Web listener. However, if you are performing a remote installation, make sure the Web listener for the remote database has started.


    If you are connecting to a remote database, then start the Web listener.