Creating a Blueprint from Existing Tables

Select existing tables from your schema to quickly build a blueprint that enables fast inserts of generated data into them.

  1. On the Data Generator home page, click the Create Blueprint button.
    The Create Tables Blueprint wizard appears.
  2. Click Use Existing Tables.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Select from list - (Default) Choose an existing table in your workspace schema to base the blueprint on.
      1. Blueprint Name - Name the blueprint.
      2. List of tables - Click the checkboxes of the tables to include in the blueprint. Use the search bar to filter the list of tables by name. Use the Reset button to remove all search filters applied to the list of tables.
      3. (Optional) Rows Column - Double-click a cell in the Rows column or toggle the Edit button to change the number of rows to include from the table (default 50).
      4. (Optional) Excluded Columns - Input a list of column names to exclude from the auto column generation in the format column1,column2,column3. The Excluded Columns parameter applies to all selected tables.
    • Copy and Paste - Use copy and paste to insert a large amount of tables more easily than selecting from the Select from list option.
      1. Blueprint Name - Name the blueprint.
      2. Tables - Input a comma-separated list of tables and the number of records to generate by default. The format for each table is TABLE_NAME:ROWS_TO_GENERATE (for example: PRODUCTS:10,CUSTOMERS:50,SALES:1000).
      3. (Optional) Excluded Columns - Input a list of column names to exclude from the auto column generation in the format column1,column2,column3. The Excluded Columns parameter applies to all selected tables.
  4. Click Create Blueprint.
The wizard generates the blueprint. Oracle APEX navigates to the blueprint in Blueprint Designer.