I Message Code Dictionary for Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall

Learn about the different messages that Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall can generate.

I.1 Audit Vault Messages

Learn about Audit Vault messages.

This table lists the Audit Vault messages:

46501: invalid string.

Cause: Invalid value specified.

Action: Provide a valid non-NULL value with valid length.

46502: NULL in string

Cause: NULL value specified.

Action: Provide a non-NULL value.

46503: object string already exists

Cause: Object specified was already present in the system.

Action: Provide a different value.

46504: duplicate string

Cause: Value was repeated in the input.

Action: Remove the duplicates.

46505: object string does not exist

Cause: Object specified was not present in the system.

Action: Provide a different value.

46506: attribute string exists in string

Cause: Attribute specified was already present.

Action: Provide a different attribute.

46507: invalid data or type name for attribute string

Cause: Data type of the value specified was different from the type name of the Attribute.

Action: Change the type name or the type of the value for the Attribute.

46508: too many attributes of type string specified

Cause: Specified number of attributes of this type exceeded the maximum number supported.

Action: Specify fewer number of attributes of this type.

46509: offset "string" is incorrectly formatted

Cause: The specified offset value is not in the format +/-hh:mm

Action: Specify the offset in the correct format +/-hh:mm

46510: specified audit trail can be collected by more than one plugin. please resolve the conflict by explicitly specifying a plugin using the USING PLUGIN clause

Cause: Multiple plugins are registered that can collect from this audit trail.

Action: Explicitly specify the plugin ID by using the USING PLUGIN clause.

46511: missing plugin for trail at agent on host "string"

Cause: Agent at the specified host does not have the plugin to handle the trail.

Action: Deploy the plugin on the server that can handle this trail and deploy the agent with this plugin on the host.

46512: no agent running on host "string"

Cause: Agent at the specified host does not seem to be running.

Action: Start the agent using agentctl start command and re-try the operation.

46513: insufficient privileges

Cause: User performed an operation for which they did not have sufficient privileges.

Action: Check privileges for user and re-try the operation.

46514: invalid syntax "string". Run HELP string for help.

Cause: User entered an invalid command.

Action: Check syntax and re-try the command with the correct syntax.

46515: invalid host attribute "string". Run HELP string for help.

Cause: User attempted to alter an invalid attribute for HOST.

Action: Check syntax and re-try the command with the correct syntax.

46516: audit data is being actively collected from the specified trail "string". cannot drop trail.

Cause: User attempted to drop a trail which is currently active.

Action: Stop the trail using STOP COLLECTION command and re-try.

46517: Cannot drop trail of type "string" at "string" for target "string"; audit trail does not exist.

Cause: User attempted to drop a trail which does not exist.

Action: One cannot drop audit trail which does not exist.

46518: start collection failed for plug-in:"string". plug-in does not exist.

Cause: User attempted to start collection for a target using a plug-in that does not exist.

Action: Check the plug-in specified in the command and re-try the command with a valid plug-in.

46519: start collection failed. host "string" is not registered with the audit vault server

Cause: User attempted to start a collection using a host which is not registered with the audit vault server.

Action: Register the host with the audit vault server, activate it, and then re-try the command.

46520: host with ip address "string" is already registered with the audit vault server

Cause: User attempted to register a host with an ip address that is already registered with an existing host.

Action: User cannot register two hosts with the same IP address.

46521: NULL value passed for a mandatory attribute

Cause: A mandatory attribute was set to a NULL value.

Action: Provide a non-NULL value for the mandatory attribute.

46522: mandatory attribute string missing in the input

Cause: Mandatory attribute name was missing in the attribute value list.

Action: Provide the value for mandatory attribute.

46523: attempting to drop Event Category with active Events

Cause: Event Category specified had active Events.

Action: Drop the active Events before dropping this Event Category.

46524: at least one audit trail being collected for target

Cause: Target specified had trails which were active.

Action: Stop all the active trails for the given Target.

46525: Sourcetype-specific extension for Category already exists

Cause: Event Category was specified which already has a Format extension for the given Sourcetype.

Action: Provide an Event Category which does not have a Sourcetype-specific extension.

46526: attempting to drop an in-use Event mapping

Cause: Event mapping specified was in use.

Action: Provide an Event mapping that is not being used.

46527: attempting to change an immutable attribute

Cause: An immutable attribute was specified.

Action: Provide a mutable attribute.

46528: attempting to drop system-defined Event

Cause: Event specified was system-defined.

Action: Provide a user-defined Event.

46529: attempting to drop Event with active mappings

Cause: Event specified had active Event mappings.

Action: Drop the active mappings before dropping this Event.

46530: attempting to drop Sourcetype with active Sources

Cause: Sourcetype specified had active Sources.

Action: Drop the active Sources before dropping this Sourcetype.

46531: unsupported Source version

Cause: Version specified for the Source was not supported.

Action: Provide a Source version which is equal to or greater than the minimum supported version for the corresponding Sourcetype.

46532: Attribute 'string' is not set for target 'string'.

Cause: The specified attribute was not set for the target.

Action: Set the specified attribute for the target.

46533: Invalid lock type 'string' specified.

Cause: An invalid plugin lock type was specified.

Action: Valid plugin lock types are 'DEPLOY' and 'UNDEPLOY'.

46534: Plug-in deployment/undeployment operation already in progress.

Cause: A plug-in deployment/undeployment operation is already in progress and a corresponding lock already exists.

Action: Wait for the current operation to end before attempting another plug-in deployment/undeployment operation.

46535: failed to add target address: address 'string' is used by Target 'string'.

Cause: The user tried to add a duplicate address for a target.

Action: Check existing address for the target.

46536: firewall cannot be paired with itself

Cause: User tries to pair a firewall with itself.

Action: Choose a different firewall and try again.

46537: firewall string is not registered with the Audit Vault Server

Cause: User tries to create a resilient pair using a non-existent firewall.

Action: Register the firewall first and then try again.

46538: invalid enforcement point attribute "string". Run HELP string for help.

Cause: User attempted to alter an invalid attribute for the enforcement point.

Action: Check syntax and re-try the command with the correct syntax.

46539: Target Name is too long.

Cause: Target Name failed length validation checks.

Action: Provide valid Target Name.

46540: Target Description is too long.

Cause: Target Description failed length validation checks.

Action: Provide valid Target Description.

46541: attempting to drop Collector Type with active Collectors

Cause: One or more Collectors for this Collector Type were active.

Action: Drop all active Collectors for this Collector Type.

46542: attempting to drop an Agent with active Collectors

Cause: One or more Collectors for this Agent were active.

Action: Drop all active Collectors for this Agent.

46543: attempting to drop a Collector before disabling the collection

Cause: The collection for the Collector specified was not disabled.

Action: Disable the collection before dropping the Collector.

46544: attempting to drop an Agent before disabling it

Cause: The Agent specified was not disabled.

Action: Disable the Agent before dropping it.

46545: failed to start collection; trail is already being collected. Audit Trail will continue to auto-start.

Cause: The user tried to start a trail which had already been started.

Action: Check the status of the trail before starting it.

46546: Failed to drop host; one or more audit trails associated with the host are being collected.

Cause: User tried to drop a host which has active trails associated with it.

Action: Stop the active trails associated with this host and then try again.

46547: Enabling Target Location requires setting User Name and Password; please specify User Name and Password along with the Target Location.

Cause: The user tried to set target location without setting user name and password.

Action: Set user name and password along with the target location.

46548: Failed to generate target location string.

Cause: User did not specify the correct components of target location string.

Action: Specify the correct components of target location string and then try again.

46549: No NTP servers are specified.

Cause: The user chose to enable NTP synchronization, but did not specify any NTP server.

Action: Specify NTP server and then try again.

46550: Target Location is required for registering this target.

Cause: User tried to register a target without providing target location, which is required to connect to the target.

Action: Provide target location and try again.

46551: attempting to change the type of an attribute currently in use

Cause: Attribute specified was in use.

Action: Provide an attribute that is not being used.

46552: attempting to drop an attribute currently in use

Cause: Attribute specified was in use.

Action: Provide an attribute that is not being used.

46553: attempting to change the type of an attribute without providing a new default value

Cause: Current type of the default value did not match with the new type specified.

Action: Provide a new default value for the attribute.

46554: Target Location is too long.

Cause: Target Location failed length validation checks.

Action: Provide valid Target Location.

46555: User Name is too long.

Cause: User Name failed length validation checks.

Action: Provide valid User Name.

46556: Single and double quotes are not allowed in the User Name.

Cause: Illegal characters were supplied in the User Name.

Action: Remove single and double quotes from User Name.

46557: Password must contain at least 8 characters and at most 30 bytes.

Cause: Password failed length validation checks.

Action: Provide valid Password.

46558: Target Attribute Name is too long.

Cause: Target Attribute Name failed length validation checks.

Action: Provide valid Target Attribute Name.

46559: Target Attribute Value is too long.

Cause: Target Attribute Value failed length validation checks.

Action: Provide valid Target Attribute Value.

46560: Setting User Name and Password requires enabling Target Location; please specify Target Location along with User Name and Password.

Cause: The user tried to set user name and password without enabling target location.

Action: Set target location along with user name and password.

46561: no Format defined for the Source Type and Category

Cause: Format for the specified Source Type and Catetory pair was not present in the system.

Action: Provide Source Type and Category pair which already has a Format defined.

46562: error in Alert condition

Cause: Invalid Alert condition was specified.

Action: Correct the Alert condition.

46563: Attempt to delete alert 'string' failed.

Cause: User is trying to drop an alert he does not own.

Action: Ask the owner of the alert to drop it.

46564: Setting alert threshold value to string failed.

Cause: An invalid value was specified for the alert threshold.

Action: Provide an alert threshold value in the valid range ( > 1).

46565: Failed to update alert 'string' due to insufficient privileges.

Cause: User is trying to update an alert he does not own.

Action: Ask the owner of the alert to update it.

46566: no changes specified

Cause: The user attempted to alter an alert, but no changes were specified.

Action: No action is required.

46567: Cannot modify, or delete built-in alert

Cause: The user attempted to alter, or delete a built-in alert.

Action: No action is required.

46568: Setting alert duration value to string failed.

Cause: An invalid value was specified for the alert duration.

Action: Provide an alert duration value in the valid range ( >= 0).

46569: no agent running on host "string". Audit trail no longer eligible for auto-start.

Cause: Agent at the specified host does not seem to be running.

Action: Start the agent using agentctl start command and re-try the operation.

46570: no agent running on host "string". Audit trail is now eligible for auto start and will auto-start when the agent is started.

Cause: Agent at the specified host does not seem to be running.

Action: Start the agent using agentctl start command and re-try the operation.

46571: Agent is running on host "string". Host name or host IP can not be changed.

Cause: Agent at the specified host is running.

Action: Stop the agent and then change host name and IP.

46572: Agent is UNREACHABLE on host "string". Please try after some time. Audit trail no longer eligible for auto-start.

Cause: Agent at the specified host is in UNREACHABLE state.

Action: Please check the agent log files for details.

46573: Agent is UNREACHABLE on host "string". Please try after some time. Audit trail is now eligible for auto start.

Cause: Agent at the specified host is in UNREACHABLE state.

Action: Please check the agent log files for details.

46581: notification profile "string" already exists

Cause: Notification Profile already exists.

Action: Please try creating the Notification Profile with another name.

46582: cannot delete notification profile "string" as it is being used in alert definitions

Cause: Notification Profile is being used in Alert Definitions.

Action: Please try changing the Alert Definition to use a different Notification Profile name before deleting this one.

46583: notification profile "string" does not exist

Cause: Notification Profile does not exist.

Action: Please try specifying a valid Notification Profile name.

46584: "string" is not a well-formed e-mail address list

Cause: The specified e-mail address list was not well formed.

Action: Please try specifying a well-formed e-mail address list.

46585: notification template "string" already exists

Cause: Notification Template already exists.

Action: Please try creating the Notification Template with another name.

46586: "string" is not a well-formed e-mail address

Cause: The specified e-mail address was not well formed.

Action: Please try specifying a well-formed e-mail address.

46587: remedy string trouble ticket template "string" already exists

Cause: Trouble Ticket Template already exists.

Action: Please try creating the Template with another name.

46588: string is not one of string values

Cause: The specified value is not in the list of values expected for this entity.

Action: Please try choosing from the list of values.

46589: Warning level Alert and Critical level Alert cannot be mapped to the same Remedy Urgency level

Cause: Warning Alert and Critical Alert is mapped to the same Remedy Urgency level.

Action: Please try mapping them to different Remedy Urgency levels.

46591: No Enforcement Point configured for the Target.

Cause: User tried to start a collection of type network for a target which has no enforcement point configured.

Action: Configure an enforcement point for the target and then try again.

46592: firewall with name string and/or IP address string already exists.

Cause: User tries to register a firewall which already exists.

Action: Check the name and/or IP of the firewall then try again.

46593: target address does not exist. cannot drop target address.

Cause: User tries to drop a target address which does not exist.

Action: Check the target address and then try again.

46594: unable to resolve host string

Cause: The user did not provide an IP address when registering a host and the host name is not resolvable.

Action: Provide a valid IP address or a resolvable host name.

46595: failed to drop host string. agent process may be running and needs to be stopped first before dropping. if you already stopped the agent, please wait for the agent to be fully stopped.

Cause: User tries to drop a host on which an agent process is running or the agent has not been fully stopped.

Action: Stop the agent process first and then try again.

46596: host string has already been activated.

Cause: User tries to activate a host which has already been activated.

Action: Check the current status of the host.

46597: no pending activation request for host string.

Cause: Activation request for agent on host was not found.

Action: Request activation for the agent.

46598: stop collection failed for plug-in:"string". plug-in does not exist.

Cause: User attempted to stop collection for a target using a plug-in that does not exist.

Action: Check the plug-in specified in the command and re-try the command with a valid plug-in.

46599: internal error string string string string string

Cause: Internal error occurred in Audit Vault.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

46601: The authenticated user is not authorized with audit source

Cause: User is not authorized to send audit data on behalf of this audit source.

Action: Connect as the user who is associated with the source. Or grant this user appropriate authorization by changing the source's properties.

46602: Error on audit record insert as RADS partition full

Cause: RADS partition table is full.

Action: Purge the RADS partition table through archive.

46603: Error on audit record insert as RADS_INVALID table full

Cause: RADS_INVALID table is full.

Action: Need to purge RADS_INVALID table or make its size larger.

46604: Error on insert as Error table full

Cause: Error table is full.

Action: Need to purge the error table.

46605: There are more recovery entries than the maximum member can be returned

Cause: There are more recovery entries for this collector.

Action: Need to purge the old entries from the recovery table.

46606: There is no recovery entry for the given name

Cause: There was no recovery context matching to the given name.

Action: Need to check if the name was correct or if the recovery context was saved for this name.

46607: There are more configuration entries than the maximum member can be returned

Cause: There were more configuration entries for this collector.

Action: Need to reduce the configuration entries for this collector.

46608: Failed to drop Target; Stored Procedure Auditing collection is in progress.

Cause: User tried to drop target while SPA job is running.

Action: Wait for SPA job to complete and then try again.

46620: invalid interval string for data warehouse duration; must be positive

Cause: Invalid interval was specified for data warehouse duration.

Action: Specify valid interval, the interval should be positive.

46621: invalid start date string for data warehouse operation; must be less than string

Cause: Invalid start date was specified for data warehouse load/purge operation.

Action: Specify valid start date, the start date must be less than current date - warehouse duration.

46622: invalid number of days string for data warehouse operation; must be greater than 0

Cause: Invalid number of days was specified for data warehouse load/purge operation.

Action: Specify valid number of days, the number of days must be positive.

46623: cannot execute warehouse operation; another operation is currently running

Cause: A warehouse operation was executed while another operation is currently running.

Action: Wait for the operation to complete before reissuing the command.

46624: invalid schedule string for data warehouse refresh schedule

Cause: Invalid schedule was specified for data warehouse refresh.

Action: Specify valid non-null schedule.

46625: invalid repeat interval string for data warehouse refresh schedule

Cause: Invalid schedule was specified for data warehouse refresh.

Action: Specify valid non-null repeat interval.

46626: invalid number of years string for audit data retention; must be positive

Cause: Invalid number of years was specified for audit data retention.

Action: Specify valid number, the number should be positive.

46627: error in aquiring the global lock for target string

Cause: Internal error occurred while acquiring the global lock.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

46640: specified source name string was not found

Cause: Invalid source name was specified.

Action: Specify a valid source name.

46641: archive does not exist

Cause: Invalid archive id was specified.

Action: Specify valid archive ID.

46642: database audit type invalid

Cause: Invalid database audit type specified.

Action: Database audit type must be S for standard or F for FGA.

46643: audit frequency invalid

Cause: Invalid audit frequency specified.

Action: Audit frequency must be A for "by access" or S for "by session".

46644: return type invalid

Cause: Return type was invalid.

Action: Return type must be S for "success", F for "failure", or B for "both".

46645: privilege flag invalid

Cause: Privilege flag is invalid.

Action: The privilege flag must be Y or N.

46646: specified Agent name string was not found

Cause: Invalid Agent name was specified.

Action: Specify a valid Agent name.

46647: enforcement point does not exist

Cause: User tried to start/stop/remove an enforcement point which does not exist.

Action: Check if the enforcement point has actually been created and then try again.

46648: Enforcement point is already suspended

Cause: User tried to stop an enforcement point which has already been stopped.

Action: User cannot stop an enforcement point which has already been stopped.

46649: Enforcement point is in resume state

Cause: User tried to start an enforcement point which has already been started.

Action: User cannot start an enforcement point which has already been started.

46650: At least one Enforcement Point is monitoring the Target string.

Cause: User tried to drop a target which an enforcement point is monitoring.

Action: Stop the enforcement point and try again.

46651: Retention Policy string is in use.

Cause: Operation failed because Retention Policy is in use.

Action: Delete the assignment of this Retention Policy to Target(s) and try again.

46652: Cannot delete built-in Retention Policies.

Cause: Cannot delete built-in Retention Policies.

Action: n/a

46653: Retention Policy Name is too long.

Cause: Retention Policy Name failed length validation checks.

Action: Provide valid Retention Policy Name.

46654: Invalid Retention Policy Name.

Cause: Retention Policy Name contains illegal characters.

Action: Provide a valid Retention Policy Name.

46655: Invalid Retention Policy Month specified. Online Month must be between 0 and 9996. Offline Month must be between 1 and 9996.

Cause: Retention Policy Month is invalid.

Action: Provide a valid Retention Policy Month.

46656: Unable to release tablespace used by audit trails.

Cause: There is one or more audit trails writing data into the selected tablespace.

Action: n/a

46657: Datafile associated with tablespace string is inaccessible at this archive location string.

Cause: The datafile for the tablespace needed by a trail is not accessible.

Action: n/a

46658: Unable to stage datafile string for archiving.

Cause: Insufficient space on /var/lib/oracle.

Action: Add space and try again.

46661: Service Name is too long.

Cause: Service Name failed length validation checks.

Action: Provide valid Service Name.

46662: Service Name/SID is not supported for Target of type "string".

Cause: User entered service name as part of target address for a target which does not support service name.

Action: Do not provide service name when providing target address.

46663: Target Address is not supported for Target of type "string".

Cause: User tried to add a target address for a target which cannot be monitored by the firewall.

Action: Users are not allowed to add target address for a target which cannot be monitored by the firewall.

46671: High Availability is not configured.

Cause: Cannot perform operation as system is not configured for HA.

Action: Please configure HA and try again.

46672: unable to stage diagnostic file "string" for download

Cause: File copy operation failed while staging diagnostics file for download.

Action: Check for available disk space on /tmp and see if the diagnostics file exists in /usr/local/dbfw/tmp folder.

46673: IP address 'string' is already in use on the network.

Cause: IP address is already in use on the network.

Action: Please specify a different IP address and try again.

46674: Illegal characters were supplied in password. Password must not contain control characters, delete character, non-spacebar space, or double-quote (") character

Cause: Illegal characters were supplied in password.

Action: Specify valid characters and try again.

46675: Current password is incorrect.

Cause: The current password supplied for authentication is incorrect.

Action: The user must supply the correct password associated with the account.

46676: User 'string' already exists in the system.

Cause: User by that name already exists in the system.

Action: Please specify a different user name and try again.

46677: User name string is invalid. User name cannot be null, or start with reserved user name. Only alphanumeric, underscore (_), dollar sign ($), and pound sign (#) are allowed for user name.

Cause: Illegal user name is provided.

Action: Please specify a different user name and try again.

46678: User account string is locked or has expired. Please contact your administrator.

Cause: User account with specified name is locked or has expired.

Action: Contact your administrator.

46679: Password cannot have leading, or trailing space. ASCII only password must have at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one digit(0-9), and one special character(.,+:_!). Password must be at least 8 characters and at most 30 bytes in length.

Cause: Password does not satisfy the password rule.

Action: Specify valid characters and try again.

46680: User account string is locked. Please contact your administrator.

Cause: User account with specified name is locked.

Action: Contact your administrator.

46681: Failed to remove AVS log files. [string]

Cause: Files does not exist, or no privilege to access the files.

Action: Make sure directory /var/lib/oracle/dbfw/av/log and log files exist and OS user oracle has privilege to access and remove those files.

46682: Failed to set trace level for AVS event 46600

Cause: Null value is passed for trace level.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

46683: Old and new passwords should not be the same.

Cause: Old and new password are the same.

Action: Specify different passwords and try again.

46684: The password cannot be reused.

Cause: Old password is reused.

Action: Specify different new password and try again. User can reuse the password after 365 days if the password has already been changed 1 time.

46685: Failed to generate diagnostic file for download

Cause: Operation failed while generating diagnostics file for download.

Action: Check information in /var/log/messages and /var/log/debug.

46686: Empty diagnostics file name.

Cause: Operation failed while generating diagnostics file without a file name.

Action: Check information in /var/log/messages and /var/log/debug.

46687: Invalid diagnostics file name format: "string" for generation.

Cause: Operation failed while generating diagnostics file with invalid file name format.

Action: Check information in /var/log/messages, /var/log/debug, and trace file for "Admin API::Diagnostics".

46688: Diagnostics file is missing after generation opertion.

Cause: Operation failed while generating diagnostics file for download.

Action: Check information in /var/log/messages and /var/log/debug, and trace file for "Admin API::Diagnostics".

46689: Invalid diagnostics file name format: "string" for download.

Cause: Operation failed while downloading diagnostics file with invalid file name format.

Action: Check information in /var/log/messages and /var/log/debug, and trace file for "Admin API::Diagnostics".

46690: Diagnostics file "string" is missing for downloading.

Cause: Operation failed while downloading diagnostics file.

Action: Check information in /var/log/messages, /var/log/debug, and trace file for "Admin API::Diagnostics".

46800: normal, successful completion

Cause: Normal exit.

Action: None

46801: out of memory

Cause: The process ran out of memory.

Action: Increase the amount of memory on the system.

46821: generic CSDK error (line number)

Cause: There was a generic error in CSDK.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

46822: no collector details for collector string

Cause: Collector is not properly set up in AV tables.

Action: Configure collector.

46823: attribute string is not valid for category

Cause: Collector attempted to set invalid attribute.

Action: Contact collector owner.

46824: type is not valid for attribute string

Cause: Collector attempted to set value of wrong type to attribute.

Action: Contact collector owner.

46825: invalid record

Cause: Collector attempted to pass invalid record.

Action: Contact collector owner.

46826: invalid parameter string (line number)

Cause: Collector attempted to pass invalid parameter.

Action: Contact collector owner.

46827: invalid context

Cause: Collector attempted to pass invalid context.

Action: Contact collector owner.

46828: OCI layer error number

Cause: OCI layer returned error.

Action: Contact collector owner.

46829: category string unknown

Cause: Collector attempted to pass category not configured in AV.

Action: Contact collector owner.

46830: null pointer (line number)

Cause: Collector attempted to pass null pointer.

Action: Contact collector owner.

46831: invalid source event id (string)

Cause: Collector passed source event id not suitable for category.

Action: Contact collector owner.

46832: internal error (line number), additional information number

Cause: Internal error occurred in CSDK.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

46833: invalid error record

Cause: Collector attempted to pass invalid error record.

Action: Contact collector owner.

46834: missing attribute in error record

Cause: One or more attributes of error record is missing.

Action: Contact collector owner.

46835: duplicate error attribute

Cause: Collector attempted to set already set attribute.

Action: Contact collector owner.

46836: error record in use

Cause: Attempt to create a new error record before sending or dropping the previous one.

Action: Contact collector owner.

46837: missing eventid attribute in audit record

Cause: Eventid attributes of audit record is missing.

Action: Contact collector owner.

46838: Internal Error: Failed to insert string into string hash table

Cause: Core hash table insertion function failed.

Action: Contact collector owner.

46840: no smtp server registered

Cause: SMTP server is not registered.

Action: Please register SMTP server using avca register_smtp first.

46841: smtp server already registered

Cause: SMTP server is already registered.

Action: Please unregister SMTP server using avca register_smtp -remove first or use avca alter_smtp to update SMTP parameters.

46842: string command requires the string parameter

Cause: A required parameter is missing

Action: Please provide all the required parameters for the command.

46843: invalid value "string" specified for parameter string

Cause: A parameter was specified an invalid or incorrect value.

Action: Please provide correct values for the indicated parameter.

46844: no value specified for "string" in parameter string

Cause: No value was specified for a sub-parameter in a main parameter.

Action: Please provide correct values for the indicated parameter.

46845: input value "string" exceeds maximum allowed length of string

Cause: Input value exceeds the maximum allowed length.

Action: Please input a value within the allowed length limits.

46846: input value "string" in parameter string is not a number

Cause: Input value for port number must be a numeric value.

Action: Please input a numeric value for the port number.

46847: input value "string" for parameter string is not a valid email address

Cause: Input value does not seem to be a valid email address.

Action: Please input a valid email address of the form user@domain.

46848: smtp server is already in secure mode using protocol "string"

Cause: The specified SMTP server configuration is already secure using the protocol specified.

Action: Please use avca alter_smtp to change the protocol settings.

46849: smtp server is not configured to use a secure protocol

Cause: The specified SMTP server is not configured to use a secure protocol.

Action: Please use avca secure_smtp to specify a secure SMTP protocol first.

46850: file "string" does not exist

Cause: The specified file does not exist.

Action: Please specify a valid file.

46851: smtp integration is already enabled

Cause: The SMTP configuration registered with Audit Vault is already in enabled state.

Action: None

46852: smtp integration is already disabled

Cause: The SMTP configuration registered with Audit Vault is already in disabled state.

Action: None

46853: parameters "string" and "string" cannot be specified together

Cause: The user specified two mutually exclusive parameters.

Action: Please provide one of the two parameters.

46854: unsupported remedy version: "string"

Cause: The user specified an unsupported Remedy version.

Action: Please specify 6 or 7 for remedy.version.

46855: remedy server already registered

Cause: Remedy server is already registered.

Action: Please unregister Remedy server using avca register_remedy -remove first or use avca alter_remedy to update Remedy parameters.

46856: no remedy server registered

Cause: Remedy server is not registered.

Action: Please register Remedy server using avca register_remedy first.

46857: remedy integration is already enabled

Cause: The Remedy configuration registered with Audit Vault is already in enabled state.

Action: None

46858: remedy integration is already disabled

Cause: The Remedy configuration registered with Audit Vault is already in disabled state.

Action: None

46859: remedy server is already in secure mode using protocol "string"

Cause: The specified Remedy server configuration is already secure using the protocol specified.

Action: None

46860: remedy server is not configured to use a secure protocol

Cause: The specified Remedy server is not configured to use a secure protocol.

Action: Please use avca secure_remedy to specify a secure Remedy protocol first.

46861: specified ticket id "string" does not exist in the remedy server database

Cause: Specified ticket does not exist in the Remedy Server.

Action: Please provide a ticket ID which exists in the Remedy Server.

46862: Email Template Name is too long.

Cause: Email Template Name failed length validation checks.

Action: Provide a valid Email Template Name.

46863: Email Template Description is too long.

Cause: Email Template Description failed length validation checks.

Action: Provide a valid Email Template Description.

46864: Email Template Subject is too long.

Cause: Email Template Subject failed length validation checks.

Action: Provide a valid Email Template Subject.

46865: Firewall string is offline.

Cause: User tried to create an enforcement point using a firewall which is offline.

Action: Bring the firewall online and try again.

46866: An Enforcement Point with the same configuration already exists.

Cause: User tried to create two EPs with the same target and firewall.

Action: Two EPs with the same firewall and target are not allowed.

46867: string is not a valid global name.

Cause: Global name contains invalid character [()@=].

Action: Correct Audit Vault Server global name.

46868: Alert syslog template name is too long.

Cause: Alert syslog template name failed length validation check (255B is the limit).

Action: Provide a valid alert syslog template name.

46869: Alert syslog template description is too long.

Cause: Alert syslog template description failed length validation check (4000B is the limit).

Action: Provide a valid alert syslog template description.

46870: Alert syslog template "string" already exists

Cause: Alert syslog template already exists.

Action: Please try creating the alert syslog template with another name.

46871: Dropping the default alert syslog template is not allowed.

Cause: User attempts to drop the default alert syslog template.

Action: Users are not supposed to drop the default alert syslog template.

46901: internal error, string

Cause: There was a generic internal exception for OS Audit Collector.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

46902: process could not be started, incorrect arguments

Cause: Wrong number of arguments or invalid syntax used.

Action: Please verify that all the required arguments are provided. The required arguments are Host name, Source name, Collector name and the Command.

46903: process could not be started, operating system error

Cause: The process could not be spawned because of an operating system error.

Action: Please consult the log file for detailed operating system error.

46904: collector string already running for source string

Cause: Collector specified was already running.

Action: Provide a different collector or source name.

46905: collector string for source string does not exist

Cause: Collector specified was not running.

Action: Provide a different collector or source name.

46906: could not start collector string for source string, reached maximum limit

Cause: No more collectors could be started for the given source.

Action: None

46907: could not start collector string for source string, configuration error

Cause: Some collector parameters were not configured correctly.

Action: Check the configuration parameters added during ADD_COLLECTOR.

46908: could not start collector string for source string, directory access error for string

Cause: Access to specified directory was denied.

Action: Verify the path is correct and the collector has read permissions on the specified directory.

46909: could not start collector string for source string, internal error: [string], Error code[number]

Cause: An internal error occurred while starting the collector.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

46910: error processing collector string for source string, directory access error for string

Cause: Access to specified directory was denied.

Action: Verify the path is correct and the collector has read permissions on the specified directory.

46911: error processing collector string for source string, internal error: [string], [number]

Cause: An internal error occurred while processing the collector.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

46912: could not stop collector string for source string

Cause: An error occurred while closing the collector.

Action: None

46913: error in recovery of collector string for source string: string

Cause: An error occurred while accessing the file.

Action: Verify the path is correct and the collector has read permissions on the specified directory.

46914: error in recovery of collector string for source string, internal error: [string], [number]

Cause: An internal error occurred while getting recovery information for collector.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

46915: error in parsing of collector string for source string: string

Cause: An error occurred while accessing the file.

Action: Verify the path is correct and the collector has read permissions on the specified directory.

46916: error in parsing of collector string for source string, internal error [string], [number]

Cause: An internal error occurred while parsing data for collector.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

46917: error processing request, collector not running

Cause: OS Audit Collector was not running and a command was issued.

Action: Start the collector using command START.

46918: could not process the command; invalid command

Cause: An invalid value was passed to the command argument.

Action: Please verify that a valid value is passed to command argument. The valid values are START, STOP and METRIC.

46919: error processing METRIC command; command is not in the required format

Cause: METRIC command was not in the required METRIC:XYZ format.

Action: Please verify that metric passed is in METRIC:XYZ format where XYZ is the type of metric (Example:- METRIC:ISALIVE).

46920: could not start collector string for source string, directory or file name string is too long

Cause: The name of directory or file was too long.

Action: Verify the length of the path is less than the system-allowed limit.

46921: error processing collector string for source string, directory or file name string is too long

Cause: The name of directory or file was too long.

Action: Verify the length of the path is less than the system-allowed limit.

46922: collector string for source string is not able to collect from event log, cannot open or process Windows event log :[string] Error code [number]

Cause: Windows event log could not be opened or processed.

Action: Verify event log exists.

46923: OCI error encountered for source database string access, audit trail cleanup support disabled.

Cause: An error was encountered while attempting to connect to or execute SQL statements on the source database.

Action: Verify source database and listener are up and connect information is correct.

46924: Corrupted recovery information detected for collector string for source string

Cause: Corrupted recovery information detected.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

46925: error in parsing XML file string for collector string and source database string : error code number

Cause: An internal error occurred while parsing data for collector.

Action: Verify that collector has read permissions on the file and the file is in proper XML format. Contact Oracle Support Services for patch set.

46926: error in recovery of XML file string for collector string and source database string : error code number

Cause: An internal error occurred while parsing data for collector.

Action: Verify that collector has read permissions on the file and the file is in proper XML format. Contact Oracle Support Services for patch set.

46927: Syslog is not configured or error in getting audit files path for syslog for collector string and source database string.

Cause: One of the following occurred. - facility.priority was not valid. - There was no corresponding path for facility.priority setting. - Source database was only returning facility and there was no corresponding path for facility.* setting.

Action: Configure syslog auditing to valid facility.priority setting and corresponding valid path. If source database only returning facility then contact Oracle Support Services for patch set.

46928: Collector string for source database string cannot read complete file string

Cause: File size is more than 2GB.

Action: File size should be less than 2GB. Please use log rotation to limit the file size to less than 2GB.

46941: internal error, on line number in file ZAAC.C, additional information number

Cause: There was a generic internal exception for AUD$ Audit Collector.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

46942: invalid AUD Collector context

Cause: The AUD Collector context passed to collector was invalid.

Action: Make sure that context passed is the context returned by ZAAC_START.

46943: NULL AUD Collector context

Cause: The pointer to AUD Collector context passed to collector was NULL.

Action: Make sure that context passed is the context returned by ZAAC_START.

46944: conversion error in column string for <string>

Cause: The VARCHAR retrieved from AUD$ or FGA_LOG$ table could not be converted to ub4.

Action: Correct value in source database.

46945: bad recovery record

Cause: The recovery record retrieved from Audit Vault was damaged.

Action: None. The record will be corrected automatically.

46946: too many active sessions

Cause: The number of active sessions exceeded the specified number in the GV$PARAMETER table.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

46947: CSDK layer error

Cause: CSDK layer returned error indication.

Action: Action should be specified in CSDK error report.

46948: already stopped

Cause: AUD collector already stopped because of previous fatal error.

Action: Restart collector.

46949: log level

Cause: Specified log level was invalid.

Action: Use legal log level (1,2,3).

46950: log file

Cause: An error occurred during the opening of the log file.

Action: Make sure that the log directory exists, and that the directory and log file are writable.

46951: bad value for AUD collector attribute

Cause: Specified collector attribute was invalid.

Action: Correct attribute value in Audit Vault table AV$ATTRVALUE.

46952: bad name for AUD collector metric

Cause: The specified metric name was undefined.

Action: Use a correct metric name.

46953: unsupported version

Cause: The specified version of the source database is not supported.

Action: Update to supported version.

46954: recovery context of 10.x

Cause: Source database (9.x) was incompatible with 10.x recovery context.

Action: Clean up AUD$ and FGA_LOG$ tables and recovery context.

46955: recovery context of 9.x

Cause: Source database (10.x) was incompatible with 9.x recovery context.

Action: Clean up AUD$ and FGA_LOG$ tables and recovery context.

46956: FGA_LOG$ table of 9.x

Cause: Source database (10.x) was incompatible with 9.x rows of FGA_LOG$.

Action: Clean up FGA_LOG$ table.

46957: RAC recovery context

Cause: Non-RAC source database was incompatible with RAC recovery context.

Action: Clean up AUD$ and FGA_LOG$ tables and recovery context.

46958: Non-RAC recovery context

Cause: RAC source database was incompatible with non-RAC recovery context.

Action: Clean up AUD$ and FGA_LOG$ tables and recovery context.

46959: bad authentication information

Cause: Incorrect format of authentication information in the column COMMENT$TEXT.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

46960: bad metric request

Cause: Unknown metric name (%s) was provided in metric request.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

46961: internal error on line number in file ZAAC.C; additional info |string|

Cause: There was a generic internal exception for AUD$ Audit Collector.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

46962: Database Vault audit table is not accessible

Cause: Database Vault was not set up properly or the proper role was not granted to user being used by the collector.

Action: Set up Database Vault and make sure that DVSYS.AUDIT_TRAIL$ is accessible to the user being used by the collector.

46963: Some rows may have been missed by Audit Vault or may be duplicated

Cause: Collector encountered rows in the SYS.AUD$ or FGA_LOG$ tables with SESSIONID <= 0.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

46964: Connector was not able to reconnect to Source Database

Cause: Maximum number of attempts to reconnect was exceeded.

Action: Verify connectivity and that that the database is started.

46965: Attribute string is longer than 4000 bytes and was clipped

Cause: When attribute was converted to UTF8 encoding, it became longer than 4000 bytes.

Action: None. It was clipped automatically after conversion.

46966: Function AV_TRUNCATE_CLOB does not exist in source database

Cause: Latest version of script ZARSSPRIV.SQL was not run.

Action: None. Function created automatically.

46967: Audit Trail Cleanup package is not proper. Audit Trail Cleanup cannot be performed for source database.

Cause: Audit Trail Cleanup package was not proper.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

46979: Firewall string (with IP address string) has the same IP address as the Audit Vault Server

Cause: User tried to register a firewall which has the same IP address as Audit Vault Server.

Action: Check the name and/or IP of the firewall then try again.

46980: Firewall string part of a resilient pair

Cause: Operation not permitted when firewall is part of a resilient pair.

Action: Break the resilience and try the operation again.

46981: Unable to connect to Database Firewall with IP string.

Cause: Database Firewall is shutdown or unreachable, Audit Vault Server certificate is invalid or not yet valid because the date on the Database Firewall is out of sync with the Audit Vault Server certificate.

Action: Restart the Database Firewall, Copy the correct certificate and ensure that the date on Database Firewall is in sync with the Audit Vault Server and try again.

46982: Network configuration of the secondary Firewall does not match that of the primary Firewall.

Cause: You may be trying to perform an operation like adding a resilient pair. Such operations require the network configuration on the firewalls to be identical.

Action: Ensure that the network configuration is identical on the firewalls and try again.

46983: Bridged interface string is not enabled on Firewall string.

Cause: When the mode is in monitoring and blocking mode, bridged interfaces must be enabled.

Action: Enable the bridged interface on the Firewall and retry operation.

46984: Firewalls not in the same resilient pair.

Cause: Only a resilient pair can be swapped. You cannot swap Firewalls from different resilient pairs.

Action: Ensure that the Firewalls are part of the same resilient pair and retry operation.

46985: Unable to create resilient pair because Firewall string has Enforcement Points configured.

Cause: The Firewalls being paired for resilience must not have any Enforcement Points configured.

Action: Please delete all Enforcement Points and try again.

46986: Firewall at IP address string does not have a valid Audit Vault Server certificate.

Cause: Audit Vault Server certificate is not present on the Firewall, or is invalid.

Action: Please supply server certificate on the Firewall UI.

46987: Firewall Name is too long.

Cause: Firewall Name failed length validation checks.

Action: Provide a valid Firewall Name.

46988: Invalid IP address 'string'. IP address must be a valid IPv4 address.

Cause: IP address does not confirm to IPv4 standard.

Action: Please specify an IPv4 address and try again.

46990: More than one proxy interface specified.

Cause: In monitoring and blocking mode, only one proxy interface must be specified.

Action: Specify one proxy most and retry the operation.

46991: Invalid monitoring only mode for proxy interface.

Cause: Use monitoring and blocking mode when proxy interface is specified.

Action: Specify monitoring only mode.

46992: Enforcement Point mode cannot be in monitoring and blocking mode when the Firewall is in a resilient pair configuration.

Cause: Monitoring only mode must be set when Firewall is in a resilient configuration.

Action: Specify monitoring only mode.

46993: Full error message reporting can only be enabled if database response monitoring is enabled.

Cause: Database response monitoring not enabled.

Action: Please enable database response and try again.

46994: Enforcement Point Name is too long.

Cause: Enforcement Point Name failed length validation checks.

Action: Provide a valid Enforcement Point Name.

46995: Target Address cannot be deleted.

Cause: There must be at least one address defined when there are active Enforcement Points.

Action: Add a new Target Address and try again.

46996: Invalid IP addresses list. IP addresses list must be a space-separated list of valid IPv4 addresses. For example, ''.

Cause: Invalid IP address list specified.

Action: The IP addresses must be valid IPv4 addresses and separated by spaces.

46997: Invalid Port 'string'. Port must be a number between 1 and 65535.

Cause: Port Number is not between 1 and 65535.

Action: Specify a value between 1 and 65535 and try again.

46998: Invalid WAF session timeout 'string'. WAF session timeout value is specified in minutes, and must be at least 30 and at most 1440.

Cause: WAF session timeout must be at least 30 minutes and no more than a day.

Action: Please specify a valid timeout value and try again.

46999: IP address, port number, service name, and credentials must be specified in order to decrypt with Native Network Encryption Key.

Cause: User tried to decrypt with native network encryption key without specifying IP address, port number, service name, or credentials.

Action: Specify IP address, port number, service name, or credentials appropriately and then try again.

47000: Activation approval for agent on host string failed.

Cause: Activation request for agent on host was not found.

Action: Request activation for the agent.

47001: Agent deactivation for host string failed.

Cause: Agent Deactivation failed.

Action: Check if agent on the host is activated.

47002: Agent version string is invalid.

Cause: Agent version must be in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF3 TZHTZM' format

Action: Check the agent version.

47003: Agent on host string is incompatible with Audit Vault Server.

Cause: Agent version is not supported by the Audit Vault Server.

Action: Upgrade the agent to the latest version.

47004: Host Monitor is not installed on host 'string'.

Cause: Host Monitor is not installed for the Host.

Action: Install Host Monitor at the host

47005: Upgrade of Host Monitor on host 'string' failed.

Cause: Host Monitor auto upgrade failed for the Host.

Action: Reinstall Host Monitor at the host

47006: Host Monitor on host 'string' is being upgraded.

Cause: Host Monitor auto upgrade is running for the Host.

Action: Try later once upgrade finishes.

47007: Host Monitor is being installed on host 'string'.

Cause: Host Monitor installation is running for the Host.

Action: Try later once installation finishes.

47008: Host Monitor is being uninstalled on host 'string'.

Cause: Host Monitor uninstallation is running for the Host.

Action: Try after Installing Host Monitor once uninstallation finishes.

47009: Host 'string' is not active.

Cause: The host is deactivated.

Action: Activate the host and install Host Monitor on the host.

47010: Host Monitor is not supported for host 'string' (string).

Cause: Host Monitor is not supported for the platform type

Action: Contact Oracle Support

47011: Host Monitor needs to be upgraded to a newer version for host 'string'.

Cause: Host Monitor version is lower than the version available at the server.

Action: Download new Host Monitor zip from Audit Vault Server and update Host Monitor.

47012: Host Monitor state is unknown for host 'string'.

Cause: Host Monitor state is Unkown.

Action: Download new Host Monitor zip from Audit Vault Server and install Host Monitor.

47101: Invalid job name specified. Job name must be at most 18 chars and must be a valid SQL identifier.

Cause: Job name validation failed.

Action: Enter a valid job name.

47102: Repository storage is not upgraded to use ASM.

Cause: Repository storage is not upgraded to use ASM.

Action: Upgrade repository storage to ASM and try again.

47103: ARCHIVE diskgroup does not exist.

Cause: ARCHIVE diskgroup must exist.

Action: Please create ARCHIVE diskgroup and try again.

47104: Invalid transfer type.

Cause: Specified transfer type is not supported.

Action: Please specify a transfer type that is supported and try again.

47105: Invalid authentication method.

Cause: Specified authentication method is not supported.

Action: Please specify a valid authentication method and try again.

47106: Archive Location Name is too long.

Cause: Archive Location Name failed length validation checks.

Action: Provide valid Archive Location Name.

47107: Invalid Archive Location Name.

Cause: Archive Location Name contains illegal characters.

Action: Provide a valid Archive Location Name.

47108: Failed to create Archive Location "string". The name is reserved.

Cause: Reserved name cannot be used for Archive Location Names.

Action: Use another name for Archive Location Name.

47109: Failed to modify Archive Location "string". Reserved Archive Locations can not be modified.

Cause: A reserved archive location, once added, cannot be modified.

Action: Do not delete or change reserved archive location.

47110: Failed to create Archive Location "string". Another Archive Location with the same name exists.

Cause: An existing Archive Location Name conflicts with a reserved name.

Action: Delete or rename the existing Archive Location Name and retry operation.

47111: Cannot drop disk from 'ARCHIVE' diskgroup with archived data.

Cause: Archived data is present in the diskgroup.

Action: Add another disk to diskgroup or wait untill the archive period expires.

47112: Cannot drop Archive Location. It is being used to store archived data.

Cause: Specified Archive Location is being used to store archive data.

Action: Wait untill the archive period expires.

47113: Tablespace is being encrypted. Please try again

Cause: Specified tablespace has been encrypted already.

Action: Encrypt again with another tablespace name.

47114: Job is currently running. Re submit after the job finishes

Cause: Retrieve job for encryption has already been running.

Action: Wait and resubmit.

47201: Operation not permitted. User must be an admin.

Cause: The user passed in is not an admin.

Action: Specify an admin and retry the operation.

47202: Operation not permitted. User must be an auditor.

Cause: The user passed in is not an auditor.

Action: Specify an auditor and retry the operation.

47203: Operation not permitted. User must be a super admin.

Cause: The user passed in is not a super admin.

Action: Specify a super admin and retry the operation.

47204: Operation not permitted. User must be a super auditor.

Cause: The user passed in is not a super auditor.

Action: Specify a super auditor and retry the operation.

47205: Operation not permitted on this user

Cause: This is operation not permitted on this user.

Action: n/a

47206: Operation not permitted. User is neither admin nor auditor.

Cause: The user passed in is neither admin nor auditor.

Action: Specify an admin or auditor and retry.

47301: SAN Server with the name 'string' already exists.

Cause: Storage names are unique across the system.

Action: Specify a different storage name and try again.

47302: SAN Server with the name 'string' does not exist.

Cause: A SAN Server with that name already exists in the system.

Action: Specify a different storage name and try again.

47303: iSCSI Target already in session.

Cause: An attempt was made to log into a target that is already in session.

Action: Specify another target or logout from this target and try again.

47304: iSCSI Target not in session.

Cause: An attempt was made to logout from a target that is not in session.

Action: Specify another target or login to this target and try again.

47305: No SAN Server found for IP Address=string, Port=string and Method=string.

Cause: No matching SAN Servers were found.

Action: Please register this SAN Server or specify different values

47306: Invalid method string for iSCSI target discovery. Must be 'SENDTARGETS' or 'iSNS'.

Cause: Discovery method must be 'SENDTARGETS' or 'iSNS'

Action: Specify a valid method and try again.

47307: SAN Server with IP Address=string, Port=string and Method = string already exists.

Cause: SAN Server with the specified configuration already exits.

Action: Try with different values for IP Address, Port and Method.

47308: Disk string does not exist.

Cause: Disk specified is not an existing disk in the system.

Action: Specify an existing disk and try again.

47309: Disk string not is part of the diskgroup string.

Cause: Disk specified is not part of an existing diskgroup.

Action: Specify a disk that is a memeber of a diskgroup and try again.

47310: Disk string cannot be removed. Please try after number minutes

Cause: ASM rebalance operation is in progress.

Action: Please try again.

47311: Invalid diskgroup string specified.

Cause: Diskgroup must be one of 'SYSTEMDATA', 'RECOVERY', 'EVENTDATA' or 'ARCHIVE'.

Action: Please try again with a valid diskgroup.

47312: Disk string already member of a diskgroup.

Cause: Disk already part of diskgroup

Action: Please try again with a different disk.

47314: SAN Server Name is too long.

Cause: SAN Server Name failed length validation checks.

Action: Provide valid SAN Server Name.

47315: Unable to logout from iSCSI target. Disk string in use

Cause: The disk is being used by a diskgroup.

Action: Drop the disk from the diskgroup and try again.

47316: Illegal characters were supplied in CHAP secret.

Cause: Illegal characters were supplied in CHAP secret.

Action: Specify valid characters and try again.

47317: Illegal characters were supplied in CHAP name.

Cause: Illegal characters were supplied in CHAP name.

Action: Specify valid characters and try again.

47318: CHAP secret must contain at least 8 characters and at most 30 characters.

Cause: CHAP secret failed length validation checks.

Action: Provide valid CHAP secret.

47319: CHAP Name is too long.

Cause: CHAP Name failed length validation checks.

Action: Provide valid CHAP Name.

47320: iSCSI Name is too long.

Cause: iSCSI Name failed length validation checks.

Action: Provide valid iSCSI Name.

47321: Invalid iSCSI Name.

Cause: iSCSI Name does not conform to standards.

Action: Provide a valid iSCSI Name.

47322: Invalid SAN Server Name.

Cause: SAN Server contains illegal characters.

Action: Provide a valid SAN Server Name.

47323: Invalid Disk Name.

Cause: ASM disk name contains illegal characters.

Action: Provide a valid ASM disk name.

47324: Connection to IP Address = string, Port = string timed out.

Cause: Network connection to the specified address timed out.

Action: Please check the address and try again.

47325: Connection to IP Address = string, Port = string refused.

Cause: Network connection to the specified address was refused by the remote server.

Action: Please check the address and try again.

47326: Login failed. Invalid CHAP name/secret.

Cause: Incorrect CHAP credentials specified.

Action: Please specify correct CHAP credentials and try again.

47327: Specified target is not a discovered target.

Cause: Target must be first discovered before performing this operation.

Action: Please discover the target and try this operation again.

47328: Cannot drop SAN Server. Active sessions found.

Cause: Active sessions for nodes from this SAN server exist.

Action: Please logout of these sessions and try again.

47329: iSCSI subsystem may have been manually configured. Please delete the configuration and try again.

Cause: iSCSI subsystem is not configured using AVDF UI or AVCLI.

Action: Please delete the configuration and try again.

47330: Cannot drop disk from string diskgroup. This operation requires number MB of free space in the diskgroup

Cause: Disgkroup rebalance operation will fail.

Action: Add more disks to the diskgroup and try again.

47331: User requested to stop the encryption process.

Cause: User requested to stop the encryption process.

Action: Try again.

47332: Encryption process has not started yet. Execute /usr/local/dbfw/bin/avdf_data_encryption.sh as root and try again.

Cause: Encryption process not started yet. Execute /usr/local/dbfw/bin/avdf_data_encryption.sh as root

Action: Try again.

47333: All tablespaces are encrypted.

Cause: All tablespaces are encrypted.

Action: n/a

47401: The remote filesystem is busy.

Cause: There are open file(s) on the filesystem.

Action: Close file(s) and retry operation; or use force option.

47402: Unable to mount export string from host string.

Cause: AVS is not given client access or cannot contact server.

Action: Check server export and add AVS system to allowed client list

47403: The path string is not a relative path.

Cause: Remote location destination path must be a relative path

Action: Provide a relative path without the leading / character

47404: The path string is not an absolute path.

Cause: Remote location destination path must be a relative path

Action: Provide a relative path without the leading / character

47405: Remote filesystem mount point still exists.

Cause: Remote filesystem was not unmounted before delete operation.

Action: Unmount the remote filesystem (with force option if necessary).

47406: Unexpected character(s) in remote destination path.

Cause: Remote destination path contains illegal character(s).

Action: Remove characters that are not letters, numbers, space or _ . : , + !

47407: Filesystem name string is not unique.

Cause: A duplicate filesytem name is already in use.

Action: Pick a different filesystem name.

47408: Location name string is not unique.

Cause: A duplicate location name is already in use.

Action: Pick a different location name.

47409: Absolute path does not exist on remote filesystem

Cause: The constructed path is missing or outside of the remote filesystem.

Action: Make sure remote location resolves to a valid directory on the remote filesystem.

47410: User Oracle cannot write to absolute path

Cause: The constructed path's permission does not allow oracle write access.

Action: Change the NFS export permission or directory permission to allow oracle write access.

47411: Export string does not exist on remote filesystem.

Cause: The user attempts to mount a non-existing export on the remote filesystem.

Action: Make sure the export exists on the remote filesystem.

47481: Unable to load the generated certificate request.

Cause: Certificate request could not be loaded.

Action: Once again generate certificate request and try.

47482: Certificate requst is not compatible with server.

Cause: Certificate siging request and private key mismatch.

Action: Retry with a valid certificate signing request.

47483: Common Name(string) of the certificate request does not match with the host name(string).

Cause: Common Name of the certificate request has to be the same as the host name.

Action: Generate certificate request once again.

47484: IP address(string) of the certificate request does not match with the host IP address(string).

Cause: IP address of the certificate request has to be same as the host.

Action: Generate certificate request once again.

47485: Unable to validate string field of the certificate request.

Cause: Validation of the Specified field of certificate request failed.

Action: Generate certificate request once again.

47486: Common Name(string) of the certificate does not match with the host name(string).

Cause: Common Name of the certificate has to be the same as the host name.

Action: Modify the host name to match with Common Name of the certificate and retry.

47487: Certificate is not compatible with server.

Cause: Certificate and private key mismatch.

Action: Please upload certificate whose certificate signing request file was generated.

47488: Cannot restore the user uploaded certificate for UI.

Cause: The user uploaded certificate is not present.

Action: Please upload a new certificate.

47489: User uploaded certificate is already in use for UI.

Cause: The user uploaded certificate is already in use for UI.

Action: No action required.

47490: Certificate restore failed: Certificate is no longer valid.

Cause: The earlier uploaded certificate is not valid for UI.

Action: Please upload a new certificate.

47491: UI certificate management operation already in progress.

Cause: Another AVS UI certificate management operation is already in progress.

Action: Wait for the current operation to end before attempting another management operation.

47492: IP address(string) of the certificate does not match with the host IP address(string).

Cause: IP address of the certificate has to be same as the host.

Action: Modify the host IP address to match with IP address of the certificate and retry.

47493: The certificate has expired.

Cause: End date of certificate is more than system time.

Action: Try uploading another valid certificate.

47494: string is too long. Maximum allowed length is string.

Cause: Length validation check failed.

Action: Provide value with valid length.

47495: Invalid certificate. The certificate can't be null and the size of certificate should be less than 32KB

Cause: Certificate is more than 32767 bytes.

Action: Please provide a certificate with 1 to 32767 bytes.

47496: string cannot be a multi-byte character string.

Cause: Given string is multi-byte character string.

Action: Please use only ASCII characters.

47497: Issuer certificate of Firewall console with common name(string) is not part of AVS trusted certification authorities.

Cause: Issuer certificate of Firewall console certificate is not imported to AVS oracle wallet

Action: Please import the issuer certificate of Firewall console certificate to AVS oracle wallet

47498: Invalid Certificate. Issuer should use SHA-2 algorithm for signing.

Cause: Issuer should use a stronger algorithm for signing the CSR

Action: Please upload a certificate where the issuer have signed it using SHA-2 algorithm

47501: Traffic proxy 'string' is in use.

Cause: Traffic proxy port is in use by another Enforcement Point.

Action: Please specify a different proxy port and try again.

47502: Enforcement Point with the specified name already exists.

Cause: Duplicate Enforcement Point name.

Action: Please specify a different name and try again.

47503: Cannot stop trail of type "string" at "string" for target "string"; audit trail does not exist.

Cause: User attempted to stop a trail which does not exist

Action: One cannot stop audit trail which does not exist

47504: Cannot stop trail of type "string" at "string" for target "string"; audit trail is already stopped. Audit trail no longer eligible for auto-start.

Cause: User attempted to stop a trail which is already stopped

Action: User cannot stop an audit trail which is already stopped

47505: Trail auto start invocation failed. Invoker unknown.

Cause: Unknown invoker

Action: Provide valid invoker e.g. 'AGENT' or 'DBJOB'.

47506: Error while setting up redo collector during start trail. Additional Info |string|

Cause: Internal Error.

Action: Check additional information to solve the problem or Contact Oracle Support Services.

47551: Invalid user name string. User name should be between 1 and 30 bytes long.

Cause: The user name spcified is 0 byte long, or more than 30 bytes.

Action: Provide a simple SQL name as user name between 1 and 30 bytes long.

47553: User name string is already in use. Please provide a different user name.

Cause: The user name already exists in the database.

Action: Provide a different simple SQL name as user name.

47571: Invalid host name string. Host name should be between 1 and 255 bytes long.

Cause: Host name is more than 255 byte.

Action: Please provide a host name with 1 to 255 bytes.

47572: Invalid host name string. The first and last characters of a host name cannnot be dots(.).

Cause: There is a leading and/or trailing dot in the host name.

Action: Please remove the leading and/or trailing dot.

47573: Invalid host name string. Host name can only contain the characters a-z, A-Z and dot(.).

Cause: Invalid characters in host name.

Action: Please provide a host name with characters from a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and dot(.).

47581: Invalid certificate. Certificate should be between 1 and 2048 bytes long.

Cause: Certificate is more than 2048 bytes.

Action: Please provide a certificate with 1 to 2048 bytes.

47582: Certificate has invalid format or contains illegal characters.

Cause: Certificate has invalid format or contains illegal characters.

Action: Please provide a valid certificate.

47583: Invalid certificate: string.

Cause: Certificate could not be verified.

Action: Please provide a valid certificate.

47584: Unable to load certificate

Cause: Certificate could not be loaded.

Action: Please provide a valid certificate.

47591: Remote system string is not accessible.

Cause: Remote system is not accessible.

Action: Please check the IP address or hostname.

47596: Failed to get the HA status of the remote AVS.

Cause: The HA status could not be verified.

Action: Please check the system log files for details.

47597: The primary and the standby system cannot have the same IP address.

Cause: The HA peer IP address is the same as the IP address of the current system.

Action: Please check the provided IP address.

47598: The system cannot use its own certificate.

Cause: The HA peer certificate is the same as the certificate of the current system.

Action: Please check the provided certificate.

47599: Data Encryption status is not compatible between primary and secondary.

Cause: When configuration HA, the encryption status must be the same.

Action: Please enable encryption and try again.

47621: The interval in UE retrieval has invalid value.

Cause: The interval value for retrieval of UE is invalid.

Action: Please input a valid interval value and submit again.

47622: The first run time in UE retrieval should not be in the past.

Cause: The start time for retrieval of UE is in the past.

Action: Please input a future start time and submit again.

47651: The interval in Audit Setting retrieval has invalid value.

Cause: The interval value for retrieval of audit setting is invalid.

Action: Please input a valid interval value and submit again.

47652: The first run time in Audit Setting retrieval should not be in the past.

Cause: The start time for retrieval of audit setting is in the past.

Action: Please input a future start time and submit again.

47671: The interval in SPA has invalid value.

Cause: The interval value for SPA is invalid.

Action: Please input a valid interval value and submit again.

47672: The first run time in SPA should not be in the past.

Cause: The start time for SPA is in the past.

Action: Please input a future start time and submit again.

47681: Oracle Database In-Memory is already enabled on the Audit Vault Server.

Cause: User is trying to enable Oracle Database In-Memory on an Audit Vault Server where Oracle Database In-Memory is already enabled.

Action: No action required.

47682: Oracle Database In-Memory is already disabled on the Audit Vault Server.

Cause: User is trying to disable Oracle Database In-Memory on an Audit Vault Server where Oracle Database In-Memory is already disabled.

Action: No action required.

47683: Value entered is higher than the maximum available for Database In-Memory, or less than 1 GB.

Cause: User entered an invalid memory size for Oracle Database In-Memory".

Action: Provide memory to Oracle Database In-Memory within allowable limit. Memory should be more than 1 GB and less than min((total system memory - 8GB), 90% of total system memory)).

47684: Oracle Database In-Memory: Internal error in string. Additional info |string|.

Cause: Internal error.

Action: Contact Oracle Support Services.

47685: Oracle Database In-Memory is not enabled on Audit Vault Server. Enable Oracle Database In-Memory on the Audit Vault Server before changing the In-Memory allocation.

Cause: User is trying to change memory for Oracle Database In-Memory while Oracle Database In-Memory is not enabled on Audit Vault Server."

Action: Enable Oracle Database In-Memory on Audit Vault Server before changing memory for Oracle Database In-Memory.

47686: The value entered (string GB) is the same as the current memory allocation for Oracle Database In-Memory. Enter a different value to change the allocation.

Cause: User is trying to change the memory allocation to Oracle Database In-Memory by entering a value that is the same as current value allocated.

Action: Provide a value for Oracle Database In-Memory allocation that is different from the current value allocated.

47687: Date range is not valid for Oracle Database In-Memory. Additional information: string.

Cause: User has provided an invalid date range for Oracle Database In-Memory.

Action: Provide a valid date range for Oracle Database In-Memory.

47688: Provided Oracle Database In-Memory size is not sufficient for date range. Increase the size of Oracle Database In-Memory or reduce the date range.

Cause: User has not provided enough memory to accommodate all the data into Oracle Database In-Memory for specified date range.

Action: Increase the size of memory provided to Oracle Database In-Memory or reduce the date range size.

47689: Error in string . Some other user is performing the same operation. Try string after some time

Cause: More than one user is trying to perform the same operation for Oracle Database In-memory.

Action: Try to perform the Oracle Database In-memory operations after some time.

47701: Invalid policy name: string ... Policy name should be between 1 and 255 bytes long.

Cause: Policy name is more than 255 bytes.

Action: Please provide a policy name with 1 to 255 bytes.

47702: Policy name cannot be null or the length is 0.

Cause: Policy name is null or the length of the policy name is 0 byte.

Action: Please provide a policy name with 1 to 255 bytes.

47751: The SNMP string is invalid. SNMP string must contain at least 8 characters and at most 30 characters, at least one uppercase letter(A-Z), one lowercase letter(a-z), one digit(0-9), and one special character(.,+:_!). SNMP string must not contain characters outside of a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and . , + : _ !.

Cause: SNMP string does not meet the policy.

Action: Please input a valid string and submit again.

47755: Built-in report string cannot be deleted.

Cause: User attempted to delete a built-in report.

Action: Built-in reports cannot be deleted.

47756: Report string cannot be deleted as you are not the owner of the report.

Cause: User attempted to delete a report uploaded by a different auditor.

Action: Users can only delete reports owned by them.

I.2 Database Firewall Messages

Learn about Database Firewall messages.

This table lists Database Firewall messages. These messages are captured in the /var/log/messages file.

ODF Code Cause Action
10000 Minimum number for the DBFW message codes This message should never be seen. Please contact Oracle Support.
10001 Internal error Please contact Oracle Support.
10100 The operation has completed successfully No action required.
10101 Configuration change A configuration change is being applied. No action required.
10102 Startup complete The process has completed its initialization and is ready to perform work. No action required.
10103 Engine informational Informational message only. No action required.
10104 ACE informational Informational message only. No action required.
10105 Decoder informational Informational message only. No action required.
10106 Connected to AVS A connection has been successfully established to the Audit Vault Server. No action is required.
10107 TrafficTrace starting The TrafficTrace logging system has started. No action is required.
10108 TrafficTrace data The TrafficTrace logging system is logging data. No action is required.
10109 TrafficTrace stopping The TrafficTrace logging system has stopped. No action is required.
10110 Process Metrics Information about the performance of the process. No action is required.
10111 Traffic capture is enabled Network traffic is being captured for diagnostic purposes. You should only see this message under the direction of Oracle support.
10112 Buffered Traffic written successfully Buffered network traffic has been written to file for diagnostic purposes. No action is required.
10113 TCP connection successfully disrupted A client TCP connection to the database has been successfully disrupted. This action was taken as the Database Firewall Monitoring Point is in monitoring and blocking mode, and the option to "Maintain Existing Connections" was not selected. No action is required.
10114 Stopped receiving heartbeat data Information about the Database Firewall Monitoring Point. No action is required.
10115 Nsi library version Informational message about the Nsi library version. No action is required.
10116 Traffic capture initiated Informational message only. No action is required.
10117 Logging of Process Metrics is enabled Informational message only. No action is required.
10118 Session cache serialisation Informational message only. No action is required.
10119 Successfully loaded the Diffie-Hellman parameters Informational message only. No action is required.
10120 Additional memory allocation permitted Informational message only. No action is required.
10121 Incrementing the maximum size the IPC buffer can grow up to. Informational message only. No action is required.
10200 Internal error None
10201 Internal error None
10202 Internal error None
10203 Internal error None
10204 Internal error None
10205 Internal error None
10206 Internal error None
10207 Internal error None
10208 Internal error None
10209 Internal error None
10210 Internal error None
10211 Internal error None
10300 Host Monitor connected A remote Host Monitor process has established a connection to the Database Firewall. No action required.
10301 Host Monitor disconnected A remote Host Monitor process has disconnected from the Database Firewall. This is normal behavior if the Host Monitor has been stopped.
10302 Host Monitor not authorized A Host Monitor has attempted to connect to the Database Firewall from an unauthorized source. Please investigate the source of this unexpected connection attempt.
10303 Authentication not enabled for HostMonitor connections - No certificate provided No certificate has been provided to authenticate incoming connections from HostMonitor. Please see the documentation related to "Enabling and Using Host Monitoring" for information as to how to resolve this issue.
10400 No ASO records found Check that database has been configured for ASO as per the instructions in the Administrator's Guide.
10401 ASO traffic will not be decrypted ASO (encrypted) traffic to the database will not be decrypted. If you wish this traffic to be decrypted, follow the instructions in the Administrator's Guide.
10402 Delayed response to ASO request The response to the ASO request was so delayed that the request was purged from the queue before the response was received. Verify that the Target is configured for ASO and is functioning correctly.
10403 ASO is using unsupported encryption algorithm ASO processing found the session is using unsupported encryption algorithm. If the Database Firewall Monitoring Point is configured in monitoring and blocking mode, the session is terminted. The message is decoded and SQL statements extracted when Database Firewall is in monitoring only mode.
10500 Unable to connect to AVS A connection could not be established to the Audit Vault Server. This message will be seen in normal operation when the DBFW is first associated with the Audit Vault Server. If the message persists, or is seen under different circumstances then check the settings for the DBFW on the Audit Vault Server GUI.
10501 Failed connecting to the Target Check the Target configuration. Check the Target host is running and prepared to accept connections.
10502 Failed connecting to remote database Check the configuration for the remote database in question, and that it is running and prepared to accept connections.
10503 No connection to remote database Check the connection configuration, and that the remote database is running and prepared to accept connections. Note that this may be due to temporary unavailability of the remote database.
10504 Network device error Check the configuration of the network devices on the DBFW.
10505 Failed to resolve hostname Check the DNS settings on your Appliance, and that the hostname is specified correctly.
10506 IP packet fragmented An IP packet intercepted with Database Firewall in monitoring only mode was marked as fragmented. Check your network infrastructure to determine the cause of the fragmentation.
10507 TCP session re-use A closed TCP session to the database has been re-opened. This could lead to state from the previous session being applied to the new session. No action required.
10508 Detected connection failure to AVS A notification of message delivery has not been received for certain period of time. If the message persists then check the network connection between the Audit Vault Server and the Database Firewall (including router or firewall settings).
10509 Failed to find MAC address Failed to find database MAC address. MAC address substitution will not work. Possible causes: database server is down or unreachable through specified traffic source; database server is connected to client port. Connect the database and firewall correctly, then reboot the firewall.
10510 The TCP connection to the AVS has been lost Please check the network path between the DBFW and the AVS. Note that this problem may be seen when the AVS is restarted.
10511 IPC Communication Disrupted Please see other messages in log file for more information.
10512 A badly formed TCP URG packet was received This problem has been seen in 'Fuzz-Testing' of the DBFW where bad TCP packets are transmitted. Please verify that the clients using the DBFW are behaving correcly.
10513 SSL handshake failed An SSL client has failed to connect to the DBFW due to a failure in the initial handshake. Please examine the additional information in this message, and confirm that the client is correctly configured.
10514 Peer has reset the connection The remote peer of this TCP session has reset the connection. Please ensure that the remote peer is behaving correctly. Note that although resetting a TCP connection is a hard close of the TCP session, it does not necessarily indicate that there is an error in the peer.
10515 TCP connection attempt has failed An attempt to establish a TCP connection has failed. Please examine other related error messages to determine the context of this failure.
10516 Failed opening socket An attempt to open a socket has failed. Please examine other related error messages to determine the context of this failure.
10517 DDI request failed An attempt to query a protected database has failed. Please examine the details given in this message, as the problem may be as a result of mis-configuration. Are the confirured IP address and TCP port of the protected database correct? Have the correct username and password been supplied?
10518 Connection attempt to RAC failed An attempt to conenct to a RAC database has failed. Please examine other related error messages to determine the context of this failure.
10519 Operation failed - Network is down A network operartion has failed as the network is currently down. Please examine recent messages to see if a restart is in progress.
10520 A request was received from an unknown client A client request was received from an unexpected source. If this message persists the source of the request must be verified. It may be an attempt to gain access to the data on this appliance.
10521 Inter-process communication failure A local IPC communication attempt has failed. This is occasionally seen while the Database Firewall monitoring point processes are restarted. If this message persists, contact Oracle Support.
10522 No data received in TNS connection A connection to an Oracle RAC node target on the Database Firewall did not send any data. This has been observed when a load balancer in front of the Database Firewall is checking the status of the Database Firewall by pings. A TCP connection which is closed immediately with no data being sent. If this is the case in the current environment, this message may be safely ignored. If your environment is not so configured, please contact Oracle support.
10523 TCP Connection closed A TCP connection has been closed. Examine the rest of the message to determine the cause. Note that if the cause is Timeout, the socket may have been closed due to the TCP keep alive mechanism detecting a dead peer.
10600 Invalid Target IP address Ensure the Target IP address has been specified correctly in the GUI.
10601 Target clash Two Targets with the same connection information (IP:port[:OSN]) have been specified in the GUI. Resolve this clash with the GUI, otherwise data may not be examined as expected.
10602 No MySql database name The name of the MySql database has not been provided. Check the relevant configuration on the GUI and add the database name.
10603 Reboot now to apply new configuration (cannot apply configuration to running system) The system management software failed to apply configuration to the running system. A reboot should apply the new settings. More information may be available in the debug log.
10604 Cannot generate new configuration file. The system management software failed to generate the new configuration. Please contact Oracle Support.
10605 Cannot generate new configuration, please retry the operation The system management software failed to generate the new configuration. Workaround given.
10606 Internal error, invalid configuration Please contact Oracle Support.
10607 Value of system configuration rmem_max may be excessive The value of the system setting rmem_max is unexpectedly high. On some hardware, it has been observed that this can lead to traffic not being intercepted as expected when Database Firewall is in monitoring only mode. Please verify that your system can support this value successfully.
10608 Invalid argument for certificate operation Please check the parameters or files you have provided.
10609 Invalid certificate key pair The uploaded certificate was not generated from the correct certificate signing request.
10610 Certificate Signing Request common name mismatch The uploaded certificate does not match the original common name. Please verify your signing process.
10611 Error processing certificate The uploaded certificate was not valid. Please check the uploaded certificate.
10612 Proxy-mode Database Firewall Monitoring Points clash More than one Database Firewall Monitoring Point is configured to use the same proxy port. Please examine the Database Firewall Monitoring Points configured for this DBFW and resolve the conflict.
10613 LVM out of space, add more storage and try again There is not enough storage available for the requested LVM operation. Please add more storage and try again.
10614 No TrafficTrace SQL statement provided in configuration file Edit the configuration file and add the SQL against key TRACE_SQL
10615 Unable to parse the expiry time in configuration file Edit the configuration file and enter the expiry time against key EXPIRES_AT in the format "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss". Example: "2015-11-23 12:13:14".
10616 Expiry time has already passed Edit the configuration file and alter the EXRIRES_AT time as desired
10617 TrafficTrace period set for greater than the permitted value Edit the configuration file and alter the EXRIRES_AT time as desired
10618 Secure Transport string unrecognised Edit the configuration file and alter the secure transport protocol string
10619 Insecure Transport protocol Edit the configuration file and alter the secure transport protocol string to a more secure version
10620 There are public security vulnerabilities in this protocol version Edit the configuration file and alter the secure transport protocol string to a more secure version, if that option is available in your deployment
10621 Secure Transport Protocols configured This is an informational message. No action required.
10622 Database dialect does not support Oracle RAC The selected dialect does not support Oracle RAC connections. Please correct the configuration by disabling RAC for this dialect.
10623 Oracle RAC is only supported for Database Firewall Monitoring Points in Proxy mode The mode that the Database Firewall Monitoring Point is configured in does not support Oracle RAC. Please change the mode of the Database Firewall Monitoring Point, or turn off RAC support.
10624 Traffic from local IP address is not excluded from capture when Database Firewall is in monitoring only mode Network traffic associated with IP addresses local to this machine are captured for analysis when Database Firewall is in monitoring only mode. Please note that this message should not be seen in real time deployments.
10625 Secure Transport configured This is an informational message. No action required.
10626 Secure Transport Ciphers configured This is an informational message. No action required.
10627 The agent could not be recompiled from the current configuration The recompilation of the Agent software failed for an unspecified reason. There may be a problem with the Database, the Database Listener or the Java Framework. Contact Oracle Support if this message is seen on a Primary or Standalone server.
10628 The agent could not be recompiled from the current configuration because the database is down The recompilation of the Agent software failed because the database is down. Contact Oracle Support if this message is seen on a Primary or Standalone server.
10629 Diffie-Hellman Named Group is not known Please check the configuration to ensure the Diffie-Hellman Named Group is correct.
10630 The agent upgrade signal could not be sent because the database is down The agents could not be signaled for upgrade at this time because the database was not available. The agent upgrade signal will need to be issued manually. Contact Oracle Support if this message is seen.
10631 The agent upgrade signal could not be sent because the command failed The agents could not be signaled for upgrade at this time for an unknown reason. The agent upgrade signal will need to be issued manually. Contact Oracle Support if this message is seen.
10632 The agent upgrade signal could not be disabled The agents were signaled for upgrade but the target could not be disabled. The agent upgrade signal must be disabled manually. Run 'systemctl agent-signal-upgrade.service disable'.
10633 File missing from Certificate/private key pair Ensure that both the required certificate and private key have been provided.
10634 Device name not found on system The supplied device name could not be found in the list of devices available on this appliance. Check the network device listings to ensure that all expected devices are present.
10635 Dhclient config file missing The required configuration file could not be found. This may happen during install but should not happen during general runtime activities. If this message persists, contact Oracle Support.
10636 NTP query failed Confirm that the configured NTP server (echoed in the message) is correct, and if required check the DNS is configured correctly.
10637 Data for stream not processed Traffic has been observed destined for a database that is not configured for processing by this target, and the traffic is ignored. Alter your configuration so that stream can be processed.
10700 Internal cache full Check the status of the Audit Vault Server associated with this DBFW, and that the AV Server and DBFW are correctly paired.
10701 Capture capacity exceeded for Database Firewall in monitoring only mode Some network packets were not captured because the system was overloaded when Database Firewall is in monitoring only mode.
10702 Capacity exceeded The system is not able to capture all the requested traffic with Database Firewall in monitoring only mode.
10703 Database Firewall in monitoring only mode capture capacity no longer exceeded The system is now capturing all the requested traffic again when Database Firewall is in monitoring only mode. No action required.
10704 Internal capacity exceeded Internal system capacity has been exceeded for the protected database. Please contact Oracle Support.
10705 SQL call failed Check that database is running, that the configured user has permission to execute the statement and has access to the required resources.
10706 Syslog message too big A message being processed for forwarding to the Audit Vault Server is too large to send. Please contact Oracle Support.
10707 Data truncation The size of an item of data exceeded a limit and has been truncated.
10708 Failed sending StartMonitoring command to Arbiter Unable to start the Arbiter process. Please examine the log file for other errors to determine the cause of this failure.
10709 Failed To Start Monitoring Processes Please examine the debug log file for other errors to determine the cause of this failure.
10710 Internal capacity no longer exceeded The system is now transferring all the requested traffic again when Database Firewall is in monitoring only mode. No action required.
10711 Could not find service name information in connection string The Oracle connection string did not contain recognizable service name information ("SERVICE_NAME" or "SID"). This means that such information will not be logged for display in any reports. If you require this information in reprorts, please alter the client's connection string appropriately.
10712 Syslog Fifo Closed Informational message only. No action required.
10713 Failed connecting to the Policy Server This message is sometimes seen in heavily loaded systems during the shutdown or restart of a Database Firewall Monitoring Point. No action required, unless this error is seen repeatedly.
10714 Failure in proxying to Oracle RAC database There was a failure trying to establish a connection to a protected Oracle RAC database. Please examine recent previous messages to determine the cause of this failure.
10715 Failed sending Stitcher Count Object This message is sometimes seen in heavily loaded systems during the shutdown or restart of a Database Firewall Monitoring Point. Please contact Oracle support if this error occurs repeatedly during routine operartion.
10716 Bad response to control command from Arbiter This message is sometimes seen in heavily loaded systems during the shutdown or restart of a Database Firewall Monitoring Point. Please contact Oracle support if this error occurs repeatedly during routine operartion.
10717 Zero packets processed for Database Firewall in monitoring only mode This message may be seen with Database Firewall in monitoring only mode when zero packets are processed in the event loop. This message is informational only, and has no effect of the performance of the system.
10718 Internal cache full. Possible slow transfer rate between the Database Firewall and the AVS Check the network throughput between the Audit Vault Server associated with this Database Firewall, and that the number of alerts or syslog messages generated by this Database Firewall does not exceed the network capacity.
10719 Unable to load Session information from file We were unable to load the cached Session information from file. In DAM mode, this may mean that some fields associated with long lived client connections may not be populated in reports.
10720 Unable to save Session information to file This may be seen at startup. If it is seen continuously, please call Oracle support.
10721 Update of the Audit Vault Server connectivity flag intterrupted by a reload signal. Informational message only. No action required.
10722 Failed determining policy This may be seen at startup. If it is seen continuously, call Oracle support.
10723 Cache at capacity, evicting items An internal cache has reached its maximum capacity, and entries are being evicted. This message should not be seen during normal functioning of the system. If this message is seen continuously, call Oracle support.
10724 Potential alert not generated as policy not yet determined. Under some circumstances the Database Firwall may want to test if an alert is to be issued for a SQL statement before the policy for that SQL statement has been determined. This can happen for the initial SQL statements involved in establishing connection to Oracle databases when the connection is encrypted with ASO.
10725 Unable to retrieve relevant session information. This message may be emitted when the database session we are inquiring about has already been terminated, or is for other reasons not available from the protected database.
10726 RAC Proxy object present An internal object was unexpectedly still in existance when it was expected that it should have been released by now. If this message is seen as part of a warning, look for previously logged warnings for an explanation. If this message is seen as part of an error, contact Oracle Support.
10727 Additional memory allocation denied Informational message only. No action is required.
10728 Items being evicted from cache Items are being evicted from internal cache. Examine the rest of the message for full details. If this message is seen continuously, call Oracle Support.

Platform certificates may expire soon. Refer to the required action against the specific ODF code mentioned in Oracle AVDF Administrators Guide.

Perform the following action for uninterrupted Oracle AVDF services.

Regenerate the platform certificates on Audit Vault Server and Database Firewall by following these steps:

  1. Log in to the appliance as support user.

  2. Switch to root user using the command: su root

  3. Run the following command to regenerate the certificate: /usr/local/bin/gensslcert create-certs

  4. Run the following commands to restart the services on the Database Firewall appliance:

    • systemctl stop httpd
    • systemctl start httpd
    • /usr/local/dbfw/bin/dbfwctl restart
    • systemctl stop stund
    • systemctl start stund

    Run the following commands to restart the services on the Audit Vault Server appliance:

    • systemctl stop httpd
    • systemctl start httpd
    • systemctl stop controller
    • systemctl start controller
    • systemctl stop dbfwlistener
    • systemctl start dbfwlistener

The platform certificates of Audit Vault Server or Database Firewall appliances are rotated or renewed for another year.

10800 Generic GUI information Generic informational message. No action required.
10801 Generic GUI warning Generic warning message. No action required.
10900 Invalid user credentials The system does not recognize the account credentials (username, password)
10901 Failed to set password The system has failed to set the password.
11000 Migration file result: success This message is for audit trail and no specific action is required.
11001 Migration file invocation This message is for audit trail and no specific action is required.
11002 Migration group invocation This message is for audit trail and no specific action is required.
11003 Migration stanza invocation This message is for audit trail and no specific action is required.
11004 Migration stanza result: success This message is for audit trail and no specific action is required.
11005 Migration group result: success This message is for audit trail and no specific action is required.
11006 Migration file result: success This message is for audit trail and no specific action is required.
11007 Migration stanza result: skipped This message is for audit trail and no specific action is required.
11008 Please confirm you wish to start upgrade Please read the following messages, and re-run this utility as follows to begin upgrade: /usr/bin/avdf-upgrade --confirm
11009 Please check before continuing Power loss during upgrade may cause data loss. Do not power off during upgrade.
11010 Please check before continuing This upgrade will erase /root and /images.
11011 Please check before continuing Please review Note ID 2235931.1 for a current list of known issues.
11012 The install or upgrade has completed successfully This message is for audit trail and no specific action is required.
11013 Last migration: success No further action needed.
11014 Last migration: started The upgrade is in progress or was interrupted. Please wait until the upgrade completes or contact support.
11015 Last migration: failed Please fix the failure cause. Migration is rerunnable and can be executed again.
11016 Last migration: failed Please review /var/log/messages and /var/log/debug for more information. Perform the actions necessary to get the system to the expected final state of migration.
11017 Attempt to resume upgrade without confirmation Confirm that you have fixed the original error cause by running the tool again with --confirm option.
11018 Attempt to resume upgrade without confirmation Confirm that you have fixed the original error cause by running the tool again with --confirm option. WARNING: resuming upgrade on an unfixed system may further corrupt it.
11019 Attempt to resume upgrade when not in recovery mode The system is not in recovery mode. There is nothing to resume.
11030 Migration file result: completed with warnings Please download the diagnostics package and contact Oracle support. Please review /var/log/messages and /var/log/debug for more information. To download the diagnostics package please follow the instructions from the documentation.
11031 Cannot resume upgrade or install: migration file does not match hash The migration index does not validate with the given hash, so it is not possible to resume the install or upgrade. Please generate a new hash if you are using a new migration index.
11060 Migration file result: FATAL ERROR - TERMINATED Please do not use this system in a production environment. Please download the diagnostics package and contact Oracle support. Please review /var/log/messages and /var/log/debug for more information. To download the diagnostics package please follow the instructions from the documentation.
11061 Migration group result: failed Please do not use this system in a production environment. Please download the diagnostics package and contact Oracle support. Please review /var/log/messages and /var/log/debug for more information. To download the diagnostics package please follow the instructions from the documentation.
11062 Migration stanza result: failed to start because its preconditions were not met Please do not use this system in a production environment. Please download the diagnostics package and contact Oracle support. Please review /var/log/messages and /var/log/debug for more information. To download the diagnostics package please follow the instructions from the documentation.
11063 Migration file result: incomplete Please download the diagnostics package and contact Oracle support. Please review /var/log/messages and /var/log/debug for more information. To download the diagnostics package please follow the instructions from the documentation.
11064 The install or upgrade is incomplete Please download the diagnostics package and contact Oracle support. Please review /var/log/messages and /var/log/debug for more information. To download the diagnostics package please follow the instructions from the documentation.
11065 Failed to execute migrations Please review /var/log/messages and /var/log/debug for more information.
19999 Maximum number for the DBFW message codes This message should never be seen. Please contact Oracle Support.
99999 The code for this message is the maximum permitted number This message should never be seen. Please contact Oracle Support.

I.3 Agent Messages

Learn about Audit Vault Agent messages.

OAV Message Code Message Description
6001 Activation request failed.
6002 Error reading the bootstrap configuration file: "string".
6011 Error while reading Agent configuration from server.
6012 Activation key validation failed. Check Audit Vault Server console for activation key.
6013 Agent status update failed.
6014 Agent host is invalid. Register the Agent host.
6016 Agent host is not registered with IP "string". Register the Agent host.
6021 Error validating activation key. Check Audit Vault Server console for activation key.
6022 Agent started successfully.
6024 Activation key required. Check Audit Vault Server console for activation key.
6025 Agent is already activated.
6026 An instance of the Agent is already running.
6027 Stopping Agent...
6028 Internal Error. See logs for more details.
6029 Agent stop was already requested. Wait for the Agent to stop.
6030 Agent is not running.
6031 Agent is unable to connect to database server. Make sure the database server is up and the Agent is activated.
6032 Invalid activation key. Check Audit Vault Server console for activation key.
6033 Agent is unable to access the Agent home directory. Check if the Agent home directory exists and if the Agent user has relevant permissions to the directory.
6035 Invalid activation key. Maximum allowed attempts reached. Reactivate Agent in Audit Vault Server console.
6036 Agent is unable to determine the platform.
6037 Agent updated successfully.
6038 Plugin file validation failed.
6040 Error: There is more than one plugin with the same ID. Undeploy duplicate plugin in Audit Vault Server console.
6041 Error occurred while fetching plugin from server. See logs for more details.
6042 Error occurred while updating Agent generation timestamp. See logs for more details.
6043 Error occurred while updating plugin inventory for plugin : "string".
6044 Error occurred while resetting plugin inventory.
6045 Error occurred while updating Agent version.
6046 Checking for updates...
6047 Agent is updating. This operation may take a few minutes. Please wait...
6052 The Agent must be started with an activation key. Check Audit Vault Server console for activation key.
6053 Agent setup validation failed. Check logs for more details.
6054 A newer version of the Agent is available on the Audit Vault Server. Update the Agent manually.
6055 The activate command has been deprecated.
6056 Host Monitor upgrade failed.
6057 Agent integrity check failed. Upgrade the Agent manually.
6058 Failed to update Host Monitor state on the Audit Vault Server.
6059 Host Monitor update failed. See logs for more details.
6060 Trail auto start failed. See server trace logs for more details.
6061 Error while reading host attributes from server.
6062 Potential insecure PATH "string". Ensure directories in PATH are not modifiable by others and PATH does not have more than 5 levels of symbolic links.
6063 Invalid PATH "string".
6064 Agent has connected to standby Audit Vault Server. Purging the old connection pool and trying to connect to primary Audit Vault Server.
6065 Execution of command "string" failed with error code "string".
6066 Execution of command "string" failed.
6067 Error while unzipping file "string".
6068 Error while updating bootstrap file "string".
6070 Error while checking if Host Monitor is supported on current platform.
6071 Error while retrieving Host Monitor state.
6072 Agent username is not present in wallet. Unable to update wallet.
6073 Error while copying new wallet to wallet location.
6074 Error while deleting directory "string".
6075 Error updating Agent certificate expiry date.
6076 Agent update failed after "string" retries.
6077 Error while calculating hash for file "string".
6078 Error while getting plugin updates.
6079 Invalid IP address "string" in bootstrap file.
6080 Invalid port "string" in bootstrap file.
6081 Error while downloading bootstrap file from Audit Vault Server.
6082 Error occurred during install/upgrade. Check log files for more information.
6083 Agent home directory contains invalid characters "string".
6084 Error occured during upgrade. Uninstall Host Monitor and retry.
6085 Error occurred while creating "string". Check log files for more information.
6086 Agent upgrade failed.
6087 Agent host must be registered before an agent can be installed or upgraded. Agent deployment failed.
6088 Error while uploading agent logs to AV Server. Please see agent logs for more details.
6089 Host name returned by AV Server is null.
11300 The activation key cannot be entered in the Agent start command. Enter 'agentctl start -k'.
8002 Internal Collector "string":"string" Error .
8004 Failed to start collector "string":"string".
8005 Failed to establish connection to target for "string". Check if you can connect to target using connection string.
8006 Failed to disconnect from "string".
8008 Failed to establish connection to Audit Vault Server for "string".
8009 Invalid arguments.
8010 Query not found "string".
8012 Error creating AuditEventCollector instance.
8013 Collector class not found "string".
8014 Could not cast the Collector class to AuditEventCollector "string".
8015 Error initializing AuditEventCollector instance.
8016 Error loading SQL properties file "string".
8017 Illegal arguments in start trail command "string".
8018 Error sending records to server.
8019 Error setting checkpoint.
8020 Error fetching data from server.
8021 Error fetching information from plugin manifest file "string".
8023 Failed to get valid template file from template directory: "string". Check if valid template file exists.
8025 Mapping not specified for mandatory field: "string" in template file. Refer "string" for more information.
8026 Invalid target field name: "string" in template file. Check if field exists on the target.
8027 Trail name is NULL from collector context. Specify valid trail name during trail creation.
8028 Target name is NULL from collector context. Specify valid target name during trail creation.
8030 Source version is NULL. Specify valid target version in Targets tab - Audit Collection Attributes tab for the key AV.COLLECTOR.SECUREDTARGETVERSION.
8031 Invalid attribute name: "string". Check if valid attribute is present in Targets tab - Audit Collection Attributes tab.
8032 Error setting attribute: "string". Check if attribute key and value are valid.
8033 Source Field: "string" has incompatible datatype: "string". Check if target field has valid data type.
8034 Error getting data from target.
8036 Source Type is NULL. Check securedTargetType in template file.
8037 Invalid Trail name. Specify valid trail name during trail creation.
8038 Invalid Document object. Check if valid template file exists.
8039 Failed to parse audit file: "string". Check if the audit file is valid and if Agent user has read permissions on the audit file.
8040 Failed to read audit file: "string". Check if the audit file is valid and if Agent user has read permissions on the audit file.
8041 No Template files present in directory: "string".
8042 No read permission on directory: "string". Provide read permission to Agent user on the directory.
8043 Invalid Template File: "string".
8044 Invalid directory path: "string". Check if directory exists and if Agent user has relevant permissions on the directory.
8046 Value transformation rules not specified for mandatory Audit Vault Server field: "string" in template file. Refer "string" for more information.
8047 Invalid Source version format : "string". Check target version in template file.
8048 SQL Server version "string" not supported.
8049 NULL event time timezone offset from collector context. Specify valid timezone offset in Targets tab - Audit Collection Attributes tab for the key AV.COLLECTOR.TIMEZONEOFFSET.
8051 This Auditing system is not supported by the collector. Specify supported trail type during trail creation.
8052 Error writing checkpoint to collector ATC file: "string". Check if ATC file exists and if Agent user has write permission on ATC file.
8054 Invalid Target Version: "string". Check if target version is supported by template file.
8055 Invalid Target Platform: "string". Check documentation to see if target operating system is supported.
8057 Unauthorized user to access service : "string".
8058 Invalid Audit Service : "string".
8059 Invalid OAuth 2.0 "string".
8060 Invalid REST Authentication setup.
8061 Invalid Trail Extension. Supported extension is "string".
8062 Registered target is not a CDB container. Provide connection details of CDB container in Targets tab in Audit Vault console.
8064 Could not find Java charset for database charset "string".
8065 Unable to get database charset information either from source or collection attribute. Specify valid java character set in Targets tab - Audit Collection Attributes tab for attribute AV.COLLECTOR.DATABASECHARSET.
8066 Unable to read database charset from database.
8067 Template file "string" has no document element.
8068 Invalid audit trail location format : The format should be <hostname>:<location of OS log files>.
9001 Sybsecurity database not configured.
9003 Error getting active table position.
9004 Error getting list of configured audit tables.
9005 Error constructing marker due to unknown hashing algorithm.
9006 Active table "string" is not present in configured audit table list.
9008 Configured Audit table list is empty.
11000 Cannot read the directory. Check if directory exists and if Agent user has relevant permissions on the directory.
11200 Audit Package Version is not supported.