This screen has six sections one below the other. Each section has buttons, which you can use to expand or collapse the section to show the fields available for that section.

The User Setup section has the following fields: Super Administrator User Name, Super Administrator Password, Re-enter Password, Super Auditor User Name, Super Auditor Password, and Re-enter Password.

There is a Validate Username button next to Super Administrator User Name and Super Auditor User Name.

The next section Repository Encryption has the following fields: Keystore Password, and Re-enter Password.

The next section Support User Password has the following fields: Support Password, and Re-enter New Password.

The next section Root Password has the following fields: Root New Password, and Re-enter New Password.

The next section Time Setup has a single field System Time. It has three radio buttons against it: Do Not Set, Set Manually, and Use NTP.

The next section DNS Setup has the following fields: Server 1, Server 2, and Server 3. There is a blank box against each of these fields to enter the values.