
A  B  C  D  E  F  J  K  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  


  • attribute index
  • attribute objects
    • about 11.1.1
    • adding with okvAddAttributeObject 11.1.3
    • defining KMIP attributes with OKVATTRMAX using OKVAttrNo 5.2.2
    • defining KMIP attributes with OKVOBJMAX using OKVObjNo 5.2.6
    • defining KMIP attributes with OKVOPSMAX using OKVOpsNo 5.2.8
    • text string data type, getting with okvCustomAttrGetTextString 11.2.23
    • TTLV structure data type, getting with okvCustomAttrGetStructure 11.2.22
  • attribute objects, custom
    • about 11.2.1
    • Boolean data type, adding with okvCustomAttrAddBoolean 11.2.2
    • Boolean data type, getting with okvCustomAttrGetBoolean 11.2.12
    • byte string data type, adding with okvCustomAttrAddByteString 11.2.3
    • byte string data type, getting with okvCustomAttrGetByteString 11.2.14
    • byte string data type length, getting with okvCustomAttrGetByteStringLen 11.2.15
    • custom attribute, getting with okvCustomAttrGetByType 11.2.16
    • custom attributes, getting with okvCustomAttrGet 11.2.11
    • custom attribute with name, getting with okvCustomAttrGetByName 11.2.13
    • date time data type, adding with okvCustomAttrAddDateTime 11.2.4
    • date time data type, getting with okvCustomAttrGetDateTime 11.2.17
    • enumeration data type, adding with okvCustomAttrAddEnum 11.2.5
    • enumeration data type, getting with okvCustomAttrGetEnum 11.2.18
    • integer data type, adding with okvCustomAttrAddInteger 11.2.6
    • interval data type, adding with okvCustomAttrAddInterval 11.2.7
    • interval data type, getting with okvCustomAttrGetInterval 11.2.20
    • long integer data type, adding with okvCustomAttrAddLongInteger 11.2.8
    • long integer data type, getting with okvCustomAttrGetLongInteger 11.2.21
    • text string data type, adding with okvCustomAttrAddTextString 11.2.10
    • text string data type length, getting with okvCustomAttrGetTextStringLen 11.2.24
    • TTLV structure, adding with okvCustomAttrAddStructure 11.2.9


  • batch operations
    • ending with okvBatchFree 10.2.3
    • executing with okvBatchExecute 10.2.2
    • getting counts of batch operations with okvGetBatchOperationCount 10.2.4
    • getting name of batch job number with okvGetBatchOperationName 10.2.5
    • start of with okvBatchCreate 10.2.1


  • client SDK KMIP APIs
  • connections
    • creating with OKIConnConnec 7.1
    • KMIP response messaging with okvConnSendRecvBytes 7.2
    • KMIP response messaging with okvConnSet 7.3
    • KMIP response messaging with okvConnUnSet 7.4
    • OKI types 4.4
    • removing with okvDisconnect 7.5
    • SSL connection wallet, password 6.5
  • contact information
    • adding with okvAttrAddContactInfo 11.1.7
    • getting with okvAttrGetContactInfo 11.1.29
    • length, getting with okvAttrGetContactInfoLen 11.1.30
  • cryptographic
    • algorithm, adding with okvAttrAddCryptoAlgo 11.1.8
    • algorithm, getting with okvAttrGetCryptoAlgo 11.1.31
    • length, adding with okvAttrAddCryptoLen 11.1.9
    • length, getting with okvAttrGetCryptoLen 11.1.32
    • parameters, adding with okvAttrAddCryptoParams 11.1.10
    • parameters, getting with okvAttrGetCryptoParams 11.1.33
    • usage mask, adding with okvAttrAddCryptoUsageMask 11.1.11
    • usage mask, getting with okvAttrGetCryptoUsageMask 11.1.34


  • data, opaque
    • getting with okvGetOpaqueData 10.1.10
    • registering with okvRegOpaqueData 10.1.17
  • data, secret
    • getting with okvGetSecretData 10.1.11
    • registering with okvRegSecretData 10.1.18
  • dates
    • activation date, getting with okvAttrGetActivationDate 11.1.25
    • adding activation date attribute with okvAttrAddActivationDate 11.1.4
    • archive date, getting with okvAttrGetArchiveDate 11.1.26
    • compromise date, adding with okvAttrAddCompromiseDate 11.1.5
    • compromise date, getting with okvAttrGetCompromiseDate 11.1.27
    • compromise occurrence date, adding with okvAttrAddCompromiseOccurrenceDate 11.1.6
    • compromise occurrence date, getting with okvAttrGetCompromiseOccurrenceDate 11.1.28
    • deactivation date, adding with okvAttrAddDeactivationDate 11.1.12
    • deactivation date, getting with okvAttrGetDeactivationDate 11.1.35
    • destroy date, adding with okvAttrAddDestroyDate 11.1.13
    • destroy date, getting with okvAttrGetDestroyDate 11.1.36
    • initial, getting with okvAttrGetInitialDate 11.1.40
    • last change, with with okvAttrGetLastChangeDate 11.1.41
    • okvCustomAttrAddDateTime 11.2.4
    • okvCustomAttrGetDateTime 11.2.17
    • process start date, adding with okvAttrAddProcessStartDate 11.1.20
    • process start date, getting with okvAttrGetProcessStartDate 11.1.48
    • process stop date, getting with okvAttrGetProtectStopDate 11.1.49
    • protect stop date, adding with okvAttrAddProtectStopDate 11.1.21
  • digest
    • adding with okvAttrAddDigest 11.1.14
    • digest attribute, getting with okvAttrGetDigest 11.1.37
    • length, getting with okvAttrGetDigestLen 11.1.38
  • downloading SDK software 3.2


  • element index
  • ending Oracle Key Vault Interface environment, okvEnvFree 6.2
  • endpoints
    • SDK program behavior, OKVEnv 5.2.3
    • SDK program behavior, okvEnvCreate 6.1
  • error handling
    • capturing errors with OKVErr 5.2.4
    • depth of error stack for batch job with okvErrGetDepthForBatch 9.2
    • depth of error stack with okvErrGetDepth 9.1
    • error at depth with okvErrGetNumAtDepth 9.4
    • error number at specified depth of error stack with okvErrGetNumAtDepthForBatch 9.5
    • error number for batch with okvErrGetNumForBatch 9.6
    • get error number with okvErrGetNum 9.3
    • reset error stack with okvErrReset 9.7
    • text of error with okvGetTextForErrNum 9.8


  • freeing Oracle Key Vault Interface TTLV descriptor, okvEnvFreeResultObj 6.3
  • fresh attributes
    • adding with okvAttrAddFresh 11.1.15
    • getting with okvAttrGetFresh 11.1.39


  • Java packages
    • enum class, in oracle.okv.kmip 15.2
    • exceptions, in oracle.okv.exception 15.1
    • OKVService class, in oracle.okv.service 15.4
    • response classes, in oracle.okv.response 15.3


  • keys
    • creating KMIP key object with okvCreateKey 10.1.4
    • getting symmetric keys with okvGetKey 10.1.9
    • registering symmetric 10.1.16
    • rekeying with okvRekey 10.1.20
  • KMIP features
    • supported managed objects 2.3
    • supported operations 2.4
    • supported profiles 2.2
    • supported version 2.1
    • used with Oracle Key Vault client SDK 2
  • KMIP objects
    • activating with okvActivate 10.1.2
    • adding attributes with okvAddAttribute 10.1.3
    • creating key with okvCreateKey 10.1.4
    • deleting attributes with okvDeleteAttribute 10.1.5
    • destroying with okvDestroy 10.1.6
    • getting attribute list with okvGetAttributeList 10.1.7
    • getting attributes with okvGetAttributes 10.1.8
    • getting opaque data with okvGetOpaqueData 10.1.10
    • getting secret data with okvGetSecretData 10.1.11
    • getting symmetric key objects with okvGetKey 10.1.9
    • getting template objects with okvGetTemplate 10.1.12
    • implementing locate operations with okvLocate 10.1.13
    • modifying attributes with okvModifyAttribute 10.1.14
    • opaque data object register operations with okvRegOpaqueData 10.1.17
    • querying with okvQueryCapability 10.1.15
    • rekey operations with okvRekey 10.1.20
    • revoke operations with okvRevoke 10.1.21
    • secret data object register operations with okvRegSecretData 10.1.18
    • symmetric key object register operations with okvRegKey 10.1.16
    • template object register operations with okvRegTemplate 10.1.19


  • memory management
    • memory management context with OKVMemoryCtx 5.2.5
    • memory re-allocation with okvRealloc 8.3
    • pointer to memory allocation program with okvMalloc 8.2
    • pointer to memory freeing program with okvFree 8.1


  • names
    • adding with okvAttrAddName 11.1.17
    • attribute, name, and index, getting with okvGetAttributeObject 11.1.56
    • getting name, index attribute with okvAttrGetName 11.1.43
    • getting name, index length attribute with okvAttrGetNameValueLen 11.1.44


  • objects
    • group, adding with okvAttrAddObjectGroup 11.1.18
    • group, getting with okvAttrGetObjectGroup 11.1.45
    • length, getting with okvAttrGetObjectGroupLen 11.1.46
    • type, adding with okvAttrAddObjectType 11.1.19
    • type, getting with okvAttrGetObjectType 11.1.47
  • OKITTLVGetChild 13.5
  • okvActivate C API 10.1.2
  • okvAddAttribute C API 10.1.3
  • okvAddAttributeObject C API 11.1.3
  • okvAttrAddActivationDate C API 11.1.4
  • okvAttrAddCompromiseDate C API 11.1.5
  • okvAttrAddCompromiseOccurrenceDate C API 11.1.6
  • okvAttrAddContactInfo C API 11.1.7
  • okvAttrAddCryptoAlgo C API 11.1.8
  • okvAttrAddCryptoLen C API 11.1.9
  • okvAttrAddCryptoParams C API 11.1.10
  • okvAttrAddCryptoUsageMask C API 11.1.11
  • okvAttrAddDeactivationDate C API 11.1.12
  • okvAttrAddDestroyDate C API 11.1.13
  • okvAttrAddDigest C API 11.1.14
  • okvAttrAddFresh C API 11.1.15
  • okvAttrAddLeaseTime C API 11.1.16
  • okvAttrAddName C API 11.1.17
  • okvAttrAddObjectGroup C API 11.1.18
  • okvAttrAddObjectType C API 11.1.19
  • okvAttrAddProcessStartDate C API 11.1.20
  • okvAttrAddProtectStopDate C API 11.1.21
  • okvAttrAddRevocationReason C API 11.1.22
  • okvAttrAddUniqueID C API 11.1.23
  • okvAttrAddUsageLimits C API 11.1.24
  • OKVAttr C API 5.2.1
  • okvAttrExtractTTLV C API 14.2
  • okvAttrGetActivationDate C API 11.1.25
  • okvAttrGetArchiveDate C API 11.1.26
  • okvAttrGetCompromiseDate C API 11.1.27
  • okvAttrGetCompromiseOccurrenceDate C API 11.1.28
  • okvAttrGetContactInfo C API 11.1.29
  • okvAttrGetContactInfoLen C API 11.1.30
  • okvAttrGetCryptoAlgo C API 11.1.31
  • okvAttrGetCryptoLen C API 11.1.32
  • okvAttrGetCryptoParams C API 11.1.33
  • okvAttrGetCryptoUsageMask C API 11.1.34
  • okvAttrGetDeactivationDate C API 11.1.35
  • okvAttrGetDestroyDate C API 11.1.36
  • okvAttrGetDigest C API 11.1.37
  • okvAttrGetDigestLen C API 11.1.38
  • okvAttrGetFresh C API 11.1.39
  • okvAttrGetInitialDate C API 11.1.40
  • okvAttrGetLastChangeDate C API 11.1.41
  • okvAttrGetLeaseTime C API 11.1.42
  • okvAttrGetName C API 11.1.43
  • okvAttrGetNameValueLen C API 11.1.44
  • okvAttrGetObjectGroup C API 11.1.45
  • okvAttrGetObjectGroupLen C API 11.1.46
  • okvAttrGetObjectType C API 11.1.47
  • okvAttrGetProcessStartDate C API 11.1.48
  • okvAttrGetProtectStopDate C API 11.1.49
  • okvAttrGetRevocationReason C API 11.1.50
  • okvAttrGetRevocationReasonMessageLen C API 11.1.51
  • okvAttrGetState C API 11.1.52
  • okvAttrGetUniqueID C API 11.1.53
  • okvAttrGetUniqueIDLen C API 11.1.54
  • okvAttrGetUsageLimits C API 11.1.55
  • okvAttrMakeTTLV C API 14.3
  • OKVAttrNo C API 5.2.2
  • okvBatchCreate C API 10.2.1
  • okvBatchExecute C API 10.2.2
  • okvBatchFree C API 10.2.3
  • okvConnect C API 7.1
  • okvConnSendRecvBytes C API 7.2
  • okvConnSet C API 7.3
  • okvConnUnSet C API 7.4
  • okvCreateKey C API 10.1.4
  • okvCustomAttrAddBoolean C API 11.2.2
  • okvCustomAttrAddByteString C API 11.2.3
  • okvCustomAttrAddDateTime C API 11.2.4
  • okvCustomAttrAddEnum C API 11.2.5
  • okvCustomAttrAddInteger C API 11.2.6
  • okvCustomAttrAddInterval C API 11.2.7
  • okvCustomAttrAddLongInteger C API 11.2.8
  • okvCustomAttrAddStructure C API 11.2.9
  • okvCustomAttrAddTextString C API 11.2.10
  • okvCustomAttrGetBoolean C API 11.2.12
  • okvCustomAttrGetByName C API 11.2.13
  • okvCustomAttrGetByteString C API 11.2.14
  • okvCustomAttrGetByteStringLen C API 11.2.15
  • okvCustomAttrGetByType C API 11.2.16
  • okvCustomAttrGet C API 11.2.11
  • okvCustomAttrGetDateTime C API 11.2.17
  • okvCustomAttrGetEnum C API 11.2.18
  • okvCustomAttrGetInterval C API 11.2.20
  • okvCustomAttrGetLongInteger C API 11.2.21
  • okvCustomAttrGetStructure C API 11.2.22
  • okvCustomAttrGetTextString C API 11.2.23
  • okvCustomAttrGetTextStringLen C API 11.2.24
  • okvDeleteAttribute C API 10.1.5
  • okvDestroy C API 10.1.6
  • okvDisconnect C API 7.5
  • OKVEnv C API 5.2.3
  • okvEnvCreate C API 6.1
  • okvEnvFree C API 6.2
  • okvEnvFreeResultObj C API 6.3
  • okvEnvGetOpRequestObj C API 6.4
  • okvEnvSetConfig C API 6.5
  • okvEnvSetTrace C API 6.6
  • OKVErr C API 5.2.4
  • okvErrGetDepth C API 9.1
  • okvErrGetDepthForBatch C API 9.2
  • okvErrGetNumAtDepth C API 9.4
  • okvErrGetNumAtDepthForBatch C API 9.5
  • okvErrGetNum C API 9.3
  • okvErrGetNumForBatch C API 9.6
  • okvErrReset C API 9.7
  • okvFree C API 8.1
  • okvGetAttributeList C API 10.1.7
  • okvGetAttributeObject C API 11.1.56
  • okvGetAttributes C API 10.1.8
  • okvGetBatchOperationCount C API 10.2.4
  • okvGetBatchOperationName C API 10.2.5
  • okvGetKey C API 10.1.9
  • okvGetOpaqueData C API 10.1.10
  • okvGetSecretData C API 10.1.11
  • okvGetTemplate C API 10.1.12
  • okvGetTextForErrNum C API 9.8
  • okvGetTextForTag C API 14.5
  • okvGetTextForTagEnum C API 14.6
  • okvGetTextForTagType C API 14.7
  • okvLocate C API 10.1.13
  • okvMalloc C API 8.2
  • OKVMemoryCtx C API 5.2.5
  • okvModifyAttribute C API 10.1.14
  • OKVObjNo C API 5.2.6
  • OKVOps C API 5.2.7
  • okvOpsCreate C API 12.2
  • okvOpsExecuteOp C API 12.3
  • okvOpsFree C API 12.4
  • OKVOpsNo C API 5.2.8
  • okvQueryCapability C API 10.1.15
  • okvRealloc C API 8.3
  • okvRegKey C API 10.1.16
  • okvRegOpaqueData C API 10.1.17
  • okvRegSecretData C API 10.1.18
  • okvRegTemplate C API 10.1.19
  • okvRekey C API 10.1.20
  • okvRevoke C API 10.1.21
  • OKVServerInformation C API 5.2.9
  • okvTTLVAddToObjectByTag C API 13.3
  • okvTTLVAddToObject C API 13.2
  • OKVTTLV C API 5.2.10
  • okvTTLVGetChild C API 13.4
  • okvTTLVGetChildCountByTag C API 13.7
  • okvTTLVGetChildCount C API 13.6
  • okvTTLVGetFirstChildByTag C API 13.8
  • okvTTLVGetLen C API 13.9
  • okvTTLVGetRequest C API 13.10
  • okvTTLVGetResponse C API 13.11
  • okvTTLVGetTag C API 13.12
  • okvTTLVGetType C API 13.13
  • okvTTLVGetValue C API 13.14
  • okvTTLVGetValueCopy C API 13.15
  • operation management
    • about 12.1
    • creating OKI operation handle with okvOpsCreate 12.2
    • executing custom KMIP operations with okvOpsExecuteOp 12.3
    • freeing OKI operation handle with okvOpsFree 12.4
    • getting query information TTLV structure with OKVServerInformation 5.2.9
    • getting request and response OKVTTLV structure with OKVOps 5.2.7
  • oracle.okv.exception Java package 15.1
  • oracle.okv.kmip Java package 15.2
  • oracle.okv.response Java package 15.3
  • oracle.okv.service Java package 15.4
  • Oracle Key Vault
    • See: Oracle Key Vault Interface (Oracle Key Vault)
    • advanced program, about 4.2.2
    • basic program, about 4.2.1
    • program connection 4.4
    • program environment 4.3
    • program session 4.5
    • program with batching, about,
  • Oracle Key Vault client SDK
    • about 1.1
    • advantages 1.4
    • C SDK file contents 3.3
    • downloading 3.2
    • Java SDK file contents 3.4
    • platforms supported 1.3
    • program structure 4.1
    • who should use 1.2
  • Oracle Key Vault Interface (Oracle Key Vault)
    • program structure 4.2


  • passwords
    • SSL connection wallet, okvEnvSetConfig 6.5


  • queries


  • revokes
    • okvRevoke 10.1.21
    • reason, getting with okvAttrGetRevocationReason 11.1.50
    • reason message length, getting with okvAttrGetRevocationReasonMessageLen 11.1.51
    • revocation reason, adding with okvAttrAddRevocationReason 11.1.22


  • sessions
    • Oracle Key Vault program 4.5
  • state
    • attribute, getting with okvAttrGetState 11.1.52


  • templates
    • getting with okvGetTemplate 10.1.12
    • registering with okvRegTemplate 10.1.19
  • time
    • lease time, adding with okvAttrAddLeaseTime 11.1.16
    • lease time, getting with okvAttrGetLeaseTime 11.1.42
    • okvCustomAttrAddDateTime 11.2.4
    • okvCustomAttrGetDateTime 11.2.17
  • trace files
    • location of, using okvEnvSetTrace 6.6
  • TTLV (tag type length value)
    • freeing TTLV descriptor, okvEnvFreeResultObj 6.3
    • root of Oracle Key Vault Interface TTLV descriptor, okvEnvGetOpRequestObj 6.4
  • TTLV objects
    • about 13.1
    • child TTLV object, creating with okvTTLVAddToObject 13.2
    • child TTLV object, creating with okvTTLVAddToObjectByTag 13.3
    • child TTLV object, getting with okvTTLVGetChild 13.4
    • child TTLV object, getting with tag using OKITTLVGetChild 13.5
    • first child TTLV object, getting with okvTTLVGetFirstChildByTag 13.8
    • length value of TTLV object, getting with okvTTLVGetLen 13.9
    • number of child TTLV objects, getting of parent with okvTTLVGetChildCountByTag 13.7
    • number of child TTLV objects, getting with okvTTLVGetChildCount 13.6
    • Oracle Key Vault structure, defining with OKVTTLV 5.2.10
    • tag value of TTLV object, getting with okvTTLVGetTag 13.12
    • TTLV child attributes, converting with OKIAttrExtractTTLV 14.3
    • TTLV child attributes, converting with okvAttrExtractTTLV 14.2
    • TTLV object pointer, getting with okvTTLVGetValue 13.14
    • TTLV object type value, getting with okvTTLVGetType 13.13
    • TTLV object value, getting with okvTTLVGetValueCopy 13.15
    • TTLV request object, getting with okvTTLVGetRequest 13.10
    • TTLV response object, getting with okvTTLVGetResponse 13.11


  • unique IDs
    • adding with okvAttrAddUniqueID 11.1.23
    • attribute, getting with okvAttrGetUniqueID 11.1.53
    • length, getting with okvAttrGetUniqueIDLen 11.1.54
  • usage
    • limits, adding with okvAttrAddUsageLimits 11.1.24
    • limits, getting with okvAttrGetUsageLimits 11.1.55
  • utility APIs
    • about 14.1
    • collection of KMIP attributes with OKVAttr 5.2.1
    • name of KMIP tag, getting with okvGetTextForTag 14.5
    • name of KMIP tag enumerated value, getting with okvGetTextForTagEnum 14.6
    • name of KMIP type, okvGetTextForTagType 14.7
    • OKIAttr to TTLV structure, converting with okvAttrMakeTTLV 14.3
    • TTLV child attributes, converting with okvAttrExtractTTLV 14.2