This diagram shows the directory structure for the C SDK.

The SDK contains the following directories and files:
  • The bin directory, which is empty by default.
  • The demo directory, which contains the following ten C demo files and a makefile:
    • AsymmetricKeysDemo.c
    • AttributeOperationDemo.c
    • BatchOperationDemo.c
    • CertificateDemo.c
    • CertificateRequestDemo.c
    • CreateKeyDemo.c
    • CreateKeyInVirtualWalletDemo.c
    • DestroyKeyDemo.c
    • KeyManagementApp.c
    • LocateGetKeyDemo.c
    • OpaqueDataDemo.c
    • RegisterKeyDemo.c
    • SecretDataDemo.c
    • Makefile
  • The include directory, which contains the following two header files:
    • okvcsdk.h
    • okvcsdkdef.h
  • The lib directory, which contains the one file:
  • And the README file.