Description of the illustration 21_user_setup.png

21_user_setup.png shows the user creation sections of the Post-Install Configuration screen. From top to bottom, its components are:

The label Post-Install Configuration with, to its right, the buttons Clear and Save

The User Setup label

The Key Administrator section, which has this fields, from top to bottom: Key Administrator, Password, Re-enter Passwor, Full Name, and Email.

The System Administrator section, which from left to right, the New User option and the Same as Key Administrator option. Following these options, there are these fields, from top to bottom: Key Administrator, Password, Re-enter Password, Full Name, and Email.

The Audit Manager section, which from left to right, the following options: New User, Same as Key Administrator, and Same as System Administrator. Following these options, there are these fields, from top to bottom: Key Administrator, Password, Re-enter Password, Full Name, and Email.