21_password_ntp_dns.png shows the Root Password, Support Password, Time Setup, and DNS Setup sections of the Post-Install Configuration screen. From top to bottom, its components are:

The Root Password section which has these components, top to bottom:

The label "This is the superuser account for the operating system hosting the Oracle Key Vault. It is not used for normal Oracle Key Vault administration.

The Password field, followed by the Re-enter Password field.

The Support User Password section, which has these components, top to bottom:

The label "When SSH is enabled, this is the only account that can remotely log in to the operating system hosting the Oracle Key Vault."

The Password field, followed the Re-enter Password field.

The Time Setup section, which has the following settings, left to right: the System Time label, followed by the options Do Not Set, Set Manually, and Use Network Time

The DNS Setup section which has the following fields, from top to bottom: Server 1, Server 2, and Server 3