Description of the illustration 21_pending_users.png

21_pending_users.png shows the Manage Users page. From left to right, top to bottom, are the following components:

At the far right is the Delete button and to its right, the Create button.

Following the Manage Users label is a search field, with the button Go and the menu Actions.

Following the search field is a table listing existing ACTIVE users. The columns of the table are, from left to right, User Name, Full Name, System Admin, Key Admin, Audit Admin, Created By, and Creator Node. Under User Name is OKVADMIN, under System Admin is a check mark, and under Creator Node is OKV_Node_01.

Following the ACTIVE users is a table entitled Users being created, which has a Check Conflict Status button on the right right. These are pending users. The columns for these pending users are from left to right, User Name, Full Name, Created by, and Creator Node. User Name lists NANCY, Full Name lists Nancy Smith, Created By lists OKVADMIN, and Creator Node lists node1.