10.1.1 Comparison of the Embedded Python Execution APIs

The table below compares the four Embedded Python Execution APIs.

The APIs are:

  • Embedded Python Execution API
  • REST API for Embedded Python Execution (for use with Oracle Autonomous Database)
  • SQL API for Embedded Python Execution with On-Premises Oracle Database.

The APIs share many functions, but they differ in some ways because of the different environments. For example, the APIs available for Autonomous Database provide an API for operating in a web environment.

The procedures and functions are part of the PYQSYS and SYS schemas.

Category Python API for Embedded Python Execution REST API for Embedded Python Execution SQL APIs for Embedded Python Execution
Embedded Python Execution function

oml.do_eval function

See Run a User-Defined Python Function.

POST /api/py-scripts/v1/do-eval/{scriptName}

See Run a Python Function.

POST /api/py-scripts/v1/do-eval/{scriptName}/{ownerName}

See Run a Python Function with Script Owner Specified.

Embedded Python Execution function

oml.table_apply function

See Run a User-Defined Python Function on the Specified Data.

POST /api/py-scripts/v1/table-apply/{scriptName}

See Run a Python Function on Specified Data.

POST /api/py-scripts/v1/table-apply/{scriptName}/{ownerName}}

See Run a Python Function on Specified Data with Script Owner Specified.

Embedded Python Execution function

oml.group_apply function

See Run a Python Function on Data Grouped By Column Values.

POST /api/py-scripts/v1/group-apply/{scriptName}

See Run a Python Function on Grouped Data.

POST /api/py-scripts/v1/group-apply/{scriptName}/{ownerName}

See Run a Python Function on Grouped Data with Script Owner Specified.

Embedded Python Execution function

oml.row_apply function

See Run a User-Defined Python Function on Sets of Rows.

POST /api/py-scripts/v1/row-apply/{scriptName}

See Run a Python Function on Chunks of Rows.

POST /api/py-scripts/v1/row-apply/{scriptName}/{ownerName}

See Run a Python Function on Chunks of Rows with Script Owner Specified.

Embedded Python Execution function

oml.index_apply function

See Run a User-Defined Python Function Multiple Times.

POST /api/py-scripts/v1/index-apply/{scriptName}

See Run a Python Function Multiple Times.

POST /api/py-scripts/v1/index-apply/{scriptName}/{ownerName}

See Run a Python Function Multiple Times with Script Owner Specified.

Job status API NA

GET /api/py-scripts/v1/jobs/{jobId}

See Retrieve Asynchronous Job Status.

Job result API NA

GET /api/py-scripts/v1/jobs/{jobId}/result

See Retrieve Asynchronous Job Result.

Script repository

oml.script.dir function

See List Available User-Defined Python Functions.

GET /api/py-scripts/v1/scripts

See List Scripts.

List the scripts by querying the ALL_PYQ_SCRIPTS View and the USER_PYQ_SCRIPTS View.

Script repository

oml.script.create function

See Create and Store a User-Defined Python Function.

Script repository

oml.script.drop function

See Drop a User-Defined Python Function from the Repository.

Script repository

oml.script.load function

See Load a User-Defined Python Function.



(Scripts are loaded in the SQL APIs when the function is called.)

Script repository NA NA


Script repository NA NA


Script repository and datastore

oml.grant function

See About the Script Repository.

Script repository and datastore

oml.revoke function

See About the Script Repository.

Datastore NA NA


Datastore NA NA


Datastore NA NA


Authorization -

Access Control Lists

  • pyqAppendHostACE Procedure (Autonomous Database)

  • NA (on-premises database)

    (On-premises, the authorization is related to logging into the user schema.)

Authorization -

Access Control Lists


Authorization -

Access Control Lists

Authorization - Tokens NA

See Authenticate.

Authorization - Tokens NA

See Authenticate.


An output limit exists on the length function for REST API and SQL APIs for embedded Python execution. A query on the length function with a length of more than 5000 will result in an error with error code 1024 and the error message "Output exceeds maximum length 5000". The limit is set on the len() result of the returning python object. For example, len() of a pandas.DataFrame is the number of rows, len() of a list is the length of the list, etc. If pandas.DataFrame is returned, it cannot have more than 5000 rows. If a list is returned, it should not contain more than 5000 items. This limit can be extended by updating the OML_OUTPUT_SZLIMIT in a %script paragraph:


EXEC sys.pyqconfigset('OML_OUTPUT_SZLIMIT', '8000')