7.2.3 Cross-Tabulate Data

Use the crosstab method to perform cross-column analysis of an oml.DataFrame object and the pivot_table method to convert an oml.DataFrame to a spreadsheet-style pivot table.

Cross-tabulation is a statistical technique that finds an interdependent relationship between two columns of values. The crosstab method computes a cross-tabulation of two or more columns. By default, it computes a frequency table for the columns unless a column and an aggregation function have been passed to it.

The pivot_table method converts a data set into a pivot table. Due to the database 1000 column limit, pivot tables with more than 1000 columns are automatically truncated to display the categories with the most entries for each column value.

For details about the method arguments, invoke help(oml.DataFrame.crosstab) or help(oml.DataFrame.pivot_table), or see Oracle Machine Learning for Python API Reference.

Example 7-10 Producing Cross-Tabulation and Pivot Tables

This example demonstrates the use of the crosstab and pivot_table methods.

import pandas as pd
import oml

x = pd.DataFrame({
     'GENDER': ['M', 'M', 'F', 'M', 'F', 'M', 'F', 'F', 
                None, 'F', 'M', 'F'],
     'HAND': ['L', 'R', 'R', 'L', 'R', None, 'L', 'R',
              'R', 'R', 'R', 'R'],
     'SPEED': [40.5, 30.4, 60.8, 51.2, 54, 29.3, 34.1, 
               39.6, 46.4, 12, 25.3, 37.5],
     'ACCURACY': [.92, .94, .87, .9, .85, .97, .96, .93,
                  .89, .84, .91, .95]
x = oml.push(x)

# Find the categories that the most entries belonged to.
x.crosstab('GENDER', 'HAND').sort_values('count', ascending=False)

# For each gender value and across all entries, find the ratio of entries
# with different hand values.
x.crosstab('GENDER', 'HAND', pivot = True, margins = True, normalize = 0)

# Find the mean speed across all gender and hand combinations.
x.pivot_table('GENDER', 'HAND', 'SPEED')

# Find the median accuracy and speed for every gender and hand combination.
x.pivot_table('GENDER', 'HAND', aggfunc = oml.DataFrame.median)

# Find the max and min speeds for every gender and hand combination and 
# across all combinations.
x.pivot_table('GENDER', 'HAND', 'SPEED', 
               aggfunc = [oml.DataFrame.max, oml.DataFrame.min],
               margins = True)

Listing for This Example

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import oml
>>> x = pd.DataFrame({
...       'GENDER': ['M', 'M', 'F', 'M', 'F', 'M', 'F', 'F',
...                  None, 'F', 'M', 'F'],
...       'HAND': ['L', 'R', 'R', 'L', 'R', None, 'L', 'R',
...                'R', 'R', 'R', 'R'],
...       'SPEED': [40.5, 30.4, 60.8, 51.2, 54, 29.3, 34.1,
...                 39.6, 46.4, 12, 25.3, 37.5],
...       'ACCURACY': [.92, .94, .87, .9, .85, .97, .96, .93,
...                    .89, .84, .91, .95]
...     })
>>> x = oml.push(x)
>>> # Find the categories that the most entries belonged to.
... x.crosstab('GENDER', 'HAND').sort_values('count', ascending=False)
  GENDER  HAND  count
0      F     R      5
1      M     L      2
2      M     R      2
3      M  None      1
4      F     L      1
5   None     R      1
>>> # For each gender value and across all entries, find the ratio of entries
... # with different hand values.
... x.crosstab('GENDER', 'HAND', pivot = True, margins = True, normalize = 0)
  GENDER  count_(L)  count_(R)  count_(None)
0   None   0.000000   1.000000      0.000000
1      F   0.166667   0.833333      0.000000
2      M   0.400000   0.400000      0.200000
3    All   0.250000   0.666667      0.083333
>>> # Find the mean speed across all gender and hand combinations.
... x.pivot_table('GENDER', 'HAND', 'SPEED')
  GENDER  mean(SPEED)_(L)  mean(SPEED)_(R)  mean(SPEED)_(None)
0   None              NaN            46.40                 NaN
1      F            34.10            40.78                 NaN
2      M            45.85            27.85                29.3
>>> # Find the median accuracy and speed for every gender and hand combination.
... x.pivot_table('GENDER', 'HAND', aggfunc = oml.DataFrame.median)
  GENDER  median(ACCURACY)_(L)  median(ACCURACY)_(R)  median(ACCURACY)_(None)  \
0   None                   NaN                 0.890                      NaN   
1      F                  0.96                 0.870                      NaN   
2      M                  0.91                 0.925                     0.97   

   median(SPEED)_(L)  median(SPEED)_(R)  median(SPEED)_(None)  
0                NaN              46.40                   NaN  
1              34.10              39.60                   NaN  
2              45.85              27.85                  29.3  
>>> # Find the max and min speeds for every gender and hand combination and 
... # across all combinations.
... x.pivot_table('GENDER', 'HAND', 'SPEED',
...                aggfunc = [oml.DataFrame.max, oml.DataFrame.min],
...                margins = True)
  GENDER  max(SPEED)_(L)  max(SPEED)_(R)  max(SPEED)_(None)  max(SPEED)_(All)  \
0   None             NaN            46.4                NaN              46.4   
1      F            34.1            60.8                NaN              60.8   
2      M            51.2            30.4               29.3              51.2   
3    All            51.2            60.8               29.3              60.8   

   min(SPEED)_(L)  min(SPEED)_(R)  min(SPEED)_(None)  min(SPEED)_(All)  
0             NaN            46.4                NaN              46.4  
1            34.1            12.0                NaN              12.0  
2            40.5            25.3               29.3              25.3  
3            34.1            12.0               29.3              12.0