7.1.5 Split Data

Sample and randomly partition data with the split and KFold methods.

In analyzing large data sets, a typical operation is to randomly partition the data set into subsets for training and testing purposes, which you can do with these methods. You can also sample data with the split method.

Example 7-8 Splitting Data into Multiple Sets

This example demonstrates splitting data into multiple sets and into k consecutive folds, which can be used for k-fold cross-validation.

import oml
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import datasets

digits = datasets.load_digits()
pd_digits = pd.DataFrame(digits.data,
                         columns=['IMG'+str(i) for i in
pd_digits = pd.concat([pd_digits,
                                  name = 'target')],
                                  axis = 1)
oml_digits = oml.push(pd_digits)

# Sample 20% and 80% of the data.
splits = oml_digits.split(ratio=(.2, .8), use_hash = False)
[len(split) for split in splits]

# Split the data into four sets.
splits = oml_digits.split(ratio = (.25, .25, .25, .25),
                          use_hash = False)
[len(split) for split in splits]

# Perform stratification on the target column.
splits = oml_digits.split(strata_cols=['target'])
[split.shape for split in splits]

# Verify that the stratified sampling generates splits in which
# all of the different categories of digits (digits 0~9)
# are present in each split.
for split in splits]

# Hash on the target column.
splits = oml_digits.split(hash_cols=['target'])
[split.shape for split in splits]

# Verify that the different categories of digits (digits 0~9) are present
# in only one of the splits generated by hashing on the category column.
for split in splits]

# Split the data randomly into 4 consecutive folds.
folds = oml_digits.KFold(n_splits=4)
[(len(fold[0]), len(fold[1])) for fold in folds]

Listing for This Example

>>> import oml
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from sklearn import datasets
>>> digits = datasets.load_digits()
>>> pd_digits = pd.DataFrame(digits.data,
...                          columns=['IMG'+str(i) for i in
...                          range(digits['data'].shape[1])])
>>> pd_digits = pd.concat([pd_digits,
...                        pd.Series(digits.target,
...                                   name = 'target')],
...                                   axis = 1)
>>> oml_digits = oml.push(pd_digits)
>>> # Sample 20% and 80% of the data.
... splits = oml_digits.split(ratio=(.2, .8), use_hash = False)
>>> [len(split) for split in splits]
[351, 1446]
>>> # Split the data into four sets.
... splits = oml_digits.split(ratio = (.25, .25, .25, .25),
...                           use_hash = False)
>>> [len(split) for split in splits]
[432, 460, 451, 454]
>>> # Perform stratification on the target column.
... splits = oml_digits.split(strata_cols=['target'])
>>> [split.shape for split in splits]
[(1285, 65), (512, 65)]
>>> # Verify that the stratified sampling generates splits in which
... # all of the different categories of digits (digits 0~9)
... # are present in each split.
... [split['target'].drop_duplicates().sort_values().pull()
... for split in splits]
[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]]
>>> # Hash on the target column
... splits = oml_digits.split(hash_cols=['target'])
>>> [split.shape for split in splits]
[(899, 65), (898, 65)]
>>> # Verify that the different categories of digits (digits 0~9) are present
... # in only one of the splits generated by hashing on the category column.
... [split['target'].drop_duplicates().sort_values().pull()
... for split in splits]
[[0, 1, 3, 5, 8], [2, 4, 6, 7, 9]]
>>> # Split the data randomly into 4 consecutive folds.
... folds = oml_digits.KFold(n_splits=4)
>>> [(len(fold[0]), len(fold[1])) for fold in folds]
[(1352, 445), (1336, 461), (1379, 418), (1325, 472)]