7.2.6 Summarize Data

The describe method calculates descriptive statistics that summarize the central tendency, dispersion, and shape of the data in each column.

You can also specify the types of columns to include or exclude from the results.

With the sum and cumsum methods, you can compute the sum and cumulative sum of each Float or Boolean column of an oml.DataFrame.

The describe method supports finding the following statistics:

  • Mean, minimum, maximum, median, top character, standard deviation

  • Number of not-Null values, unique values, top characters

  • Percentiles between 0 and 1

Example 7-12 Calculating Descriptive Statistics

The following example demonstrates these operations.

import pandas as pd
import oml

df = pd.DataFrame({'numeric': [1, 1.4, -4, 3.145, 5, None],
                   'string' : [None, None, 'a', 'a', 'a', 'b'],
                   'bytes' : [b'a', b'b', b'c', b'c', b'd', b'e']})

oml_df = oml.push(df, dbtypes = {'numeric': 'BINARY_DOUBLE',

# Combine a Boolean column with oml_df.
oml_bool = oml_df['numeric'] > 3
oml_df = oml_df.concat(oml_bool)

# Describe all of the columns.

# Exclude Float columns.

# Get the sum of values in each Float or Boolean column.

# Find the cumulative sum of values in each Float or Boolean column
# after oml_df is sorted by the bytes column in descending order.
oml_df.cumsum(by = 'bytes', ascending = False)

# Compute the skewness of values in the Float columns.

# Find the median value of Float columns.

# Calculate the kurtosis of Float columns.

Listing for This Example

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import oml
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'numeric': [1, 1.4, -4, 3.145, 5, None],
...                    'string' : [None, None, 'a', 'a', 'a', 'b'],
...                    'bytes' : [b'a', b'b', b'c', b'c', b'd', b'e']})
>>> oml_df = oml.push(df, dbtypes = {'numeric': 'BINARY_DOUBLE',
...                                  'string':'CHAR(1)', 
...                                  'bytes':'RAW(1)'})
>>> # Combine a Boolean column with oml_df.
... oml_bool = oml_df['numeric'] > 3
>>> oml_df = oml_df.concat(oml_bool)
>>> oml_df.rename({'COL4':'boolean'})
  bytes  numeric string  boolean
0  b'a'    1.000   None    False
1  b'b'    1.400   None    False
2  b'c'   -4.000      a    False
3  b'c'    3.145      a     True
4  b'd'    5.000      a     True
5  b'e'      NaN      b     True
>>> # Describe all of the columns.
... oml_df.describe(include='all')
       bytes   numeric string boolean
count      6  5.000000      4       6
unique     5       NaN      2       2
top     b'c'       NaN      a   False
freq       2       NaN      3       3
mean     NaN  1.309000    NaN     NaN
std      NaN  3.364655    NaN     NaN
min      NaN -4.000000    NaN     NaN
25%      NaN  1.000000    NaN     NaN
50%      NaN  1.400000    NaN     NaN
75%      NaN  3.145000    NaN     NaN
max      NaN  5.000000    NaN     NaN
>>> # Exclude Float columns.
... oml_df.describe(exclude=[oml.Float])
       bytes string boolean
count      6      4       6
unique     5      2       2
top     b'c'      a   False
freq       2      3       3
>>> # Get the sum of values in each Float or Boolean column.
... oml_df.sum()
numeric    6.545
boolean    3.000
dtype: float64
>>> # Find the cumulative sum of values in each Float or Boolean column
... # after oml_df is sorted by the bytes column in descending order.
... oml_df.cumsum(by = 'bytes', ascending = False)
   numeric  boolean
0      NaN        1
1    5.000        2
2    1.000        2
3    4.145        3
4    5.545        3
5    6.545        3
>>> # Compute the skewness of values in the Float columns.
... oml_df.skew()
numeric   -0.683838
dtype: float64
>>> # Find the median value of Float columns.
... oml_df.median()
numeric    1.4
dtype: float64
>>> # Calculate the kurtosis of Float columns.
... oml_df.kurtosis()
numeric   -0.582684
dtype: float64