3.4.6 Uninstall the OML4Py Server from an On-Premises Database 19c

Instructions for uninstalling the on-premises OML4Py server components from an on-premises Oracle Database 19c.

Uninstall the On-Premises OML4Py Server for Linux

To uninstall the on-premises OML4Py server for Linux, do the following:

  1. Verify that the PYTHONHOME environment variable is set to the Python3.9 directory.
    echo $PYTHONHOME
  2. Verify that PYTHONPATH environment variable is set to the directory in which the oml modules are installed.
    echo $PYTHONPATH

    If it is not set to the proper directory, set it.

    export PYTHONPATH=$ORACLE_HOME/oml4py/modules
  3. Change directories to the directory containing the server installation zip file.
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/oml4py
  4. Run the server installation Perl script with the -u argument.
    perl -Iserver server/server.pl -u

    When the script displays Proceed?, enter y or yes.